

第1个回答  2022-07-20
1. 虽然生活很累,但普通的日子里,也藏着人间烟火和无尽欢喜。

Although life is very tired, there are fireworks and endless joy in ordinary days.

2. 得到时珍惜拥有,失去时努力释怀。.

Treasure what you have when you get it, and try to let go when you lose it。

3. 你尽管去善良,上天自由衡量。

You can be kind and God can measure it freely.

4. 即使你天资平庸,也不要轻言放弃。

Even if your talent is mediocre, don't give up easily.

5. 当你变得足够优秀,才可能看到前面更美的风景。

When you become good enough, you can see the more beautiful scenery in front of you。

6. 对一切报以爱意,冷风与暖阳同样温 柔 。

Love everything. The cold wind is as gentle as the warm sun.

7. 能够折磨你的,不是别人的绝情,而是你的心存幻想和期待。

What can torture you is not the unfeeling feelings of others,but your illusions and expectations.

8. 时光很匆忙,别错过落日与夕阳。

Time is in a hurry. Don't miss the sunset and sunset.

9. 没有新的故事,你才会对过去 念念不忘。

Without a new story, you will never forget the past.

10. 谋爱先谋生。这世间,从不缺爱。

Seek love and make a living first. There is no lack of love in this world.