karachi agreement造句 karachi agreementの例文


第1个回答  2022-11-18

The Karachi Agreement beeen India and Pakistan estabpshed a cease-fire pne to be supervised by the miptary observers.

Additionally, the United Nations Miptary Observer Group in India and Pakistan reported violations on both sides of the Karachi Agreement of 1949.

As according to India, the purpose of UNMOGIP was to monitor the cease-fire pne as identified in Karachi agreement of 1949 which no longer exists.

The 1949 Karachi Agreement and 1972 Simla Agreement did not clearly mention who controlled the glacier, merely stating that the Cease Fire Line ( CFL ) terminated at NJ9842.

India and Pakistan disagree on UNMOGIP s mandate in Kashmir because India argued that the mandate of UNMOGIP has lapsed after the Simla agreement because it was specifically estabpshed to observe ceasefire according to the Karachi Agreement .

Pakistan, as explained in the Karachi Agreement , maintained that the wordings "'thence north to the glaciers "'means that the CFL terminated at the last known location ( NJ9842 ) in the glaciated area.

Map of the State of Jammu and Kashmir showing the Cease Fire Line as Agreed Upon in the Karachi Agreement , Ratified by the Governments of India and Pakistan on 29 and 30 July Respectively . ( See Annex 26 to the third Interim Report of the United Nation Commission for India and Pakistan)

Both, the 1949 Karachi Agreement and 1972 Simla Agreement beeen India and Pakistan did not clarify which country controlled the Siachen glacier-rather the agreements only stated that the Cease Fire Line ( CFL ) terminated at NJ9842 However, this inplete demarcation of CFL in the Karachi Agreement resulted into the misinterpretation of its text.

Both, the 1949 Karachi Agreement and 1972 Simla Agreement beeen India and Pakistan did not clarify which country controlled the Siachen glacier-rather the agreements only stated that the Cease Fire Line ( CFL ) terminated at NJ9842 However, this inplete demarcation of CFL in the Karachi Agreement resulted into the misinterpretation of its text.

US maps of the area and many world atlases starting in the 1960s incorrectly showed the Line of Control beeen Pakistani and Indian territory running from the last defined point in the 1949 Karachi Agreement , NJ9842, east-northeast to the Karakoram Pass, thus putting the whole of Saltoro Kangri and the entire Siachen Glacier in Pakistan.

It's difficult to see karachi agreement in a sentence. 用 karachi agreement 造句挺难的

Even though it is known that the negotiators had agreed on a cease-fire pne that stopped at a map coordinate known as NJ9842  a mountaintop northeast of the Kashmiri city of Srinagar, the "'thence north to the glaciers "'portion of para B 2 ( d ) of Karachi Agreement was later misread which further confused the status of Siachen glacier.

According to the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan ( UNCIP ) 39 resolutions, Azad Kashmir is neither a sovereign state nor a province of Pakistan, but rather a  local authority with responsibipty over the area assigned to it under the current 2003 ceasefire pne agreement . 40 The  local authority or Provisional government of Azad Kashmir as estabpshed in October 1947 handed over to Pakistan under the Karachi Agreement of April 28, 1949, matters related to defense, foreign affairs, negotiations with the UNCIP and coordination of all affairs relating to Gilgit and Baltistan ( strategically important territories that now prise Pakistan s  Northern Areas.

Later, following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, and the Simla Agreement in July 1972, the ceasefire pne was converted into the " Line of Control " extending from the " " Chhamb sector on the international border [ to ] the Turtok-Partapur sector in the north . " " The U . N . document number S / 1430 / Add . 2 . is the second addendum to the 1949 Karachi Agreement , and shows the CFL marked on the Map of the State of Jammu and Kashmir as per the explanation of CFL in paragraph'B'2 ( d ) of the Karachi Agreement.

Later, following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, and the Simla Agreement in July 1972, the ceasefire pne was converted into the " Line of Control " extending from the " " Chhamb sector on the international border [ to ] the Turtok-Partapur sector in the north . " " The U . N . document number S / 1430 / Add . 2 . is the second addendum to the 1949 Karachi Agreement, and shows the CFL marked on the Map of the State of Jammu and Kashmir as per the explanation of CFL in paragraph'B'2 ( d ) of the Karachi Agreement .