
1. 体检时间:下周二上午
2. 地点:市第一中心医院
3. 注意事项:空腹参加体检,体检前一天请勿饮酒
4. 集合时间及地点:周二上午七点在学校大门口集合


第1个回答  2012-01-29
Dear Rosewall,
We decide to have a Physical examination in The No.1 Hospital at next Tuesday morning. We all need to get together at the schoolgate at 7:00 a.m.
Attention:Fasting attend medical examination the day before Do not drink
your 李华追问



Physical examination Notice
Dear MR.Rosewall,
Because Our school decide to let all teacher and students have a Physical examination,so we hope you can join us very much.
Here is A few notes:
1、We chosed the Physical examination place is in The No.1 Hospital of this city
2、The time:at next Tuesday morning.
3、Meeting Place:We all need to get together at the schoolgate at 7:00 a.m. Please attend on time,
Attention:Participate in physical fasting,and Do not consume alcohol or any Alcoholic beverages the day before the examination
I wish you health
your 李华
