

第1个回答  2007-10-21
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Rich facial expressions, with dancing and language huh.
I help you find information on the Shanghai dialect, hope to help you, it is comprehensive:

Shanghai dialect only 700 years of history, and then Suzhou Songjiang than it should be much shorter history, but in Shanghai it is a very unique dialect, which is from Shanghai unique geographical environment and historical point of the unique opportunity the decision. The original Shanghai in the Yangtze River Delta beachhead, the so-called "beach" is the most appropriate when it called, it is far away from the House rule to the rural ones, in the economically developed regions on the brink. The history of Suzhou, Jiaxing House is the House and the two big government, economic development, cultural prosperity, Songjiang House is relatively backward, and in the Shanghai area is also near the beach, so the whole Songjiang geographical dialects, in the film, Taihu Lake is very slow development, the Shanghai dialect more ancient. It retains many of its Songjiang dialect is left to the oldest voice and words. However, Shanghai is again facing East China Sea, was hit by a special opportunity, in 1843 Shanghai forced the early years after the development of a free concession, a long period of public autonomy, and has quickly become an international metropolis and financial center, a huge migration and the rapid economic erosion, the the film then jumps into Taihu Wu of the fastest growing areas of language. Nearly 150 years ago, the Shanghai dialect and Shanghai cities are growing rapidly, the Shanghai dialect of some elements in a short period of two to three generations, we can see a significant change trajectory, which in the domestic history of the development of modern language is unique points.

To sum up, the Shanghai dialect in the following distinctive features:

Miscellaneous old and new pay a degree far beyond language
Shanghai Although only 700-year history, but human activities in the Songjiang but 6,000 years of history, Shanghai's Songjiang shift from the beginning, the history of the Shanghai slow language development, the original language of the Jiangnan region many ancient voice, the words have been reserved so far. For example, Shanghai dialect, "saw" Reading such as "lid", "five imaginary six swollen," the phrase "virtual" Reading such as "Hey," this early medieval dialects in Jiangdong this Jiangnan legacy. Shanghai dialect, the "corner" is the "corner", and "chicken carcasses fall" in the "shell loading" is the "shell" Why are there two statements? This is the ancient Chinese presence complex consonants proof that [kl] this complex consonants are also left in the Shanghai dialect, sometimes Reading [klo?] And sometimes divided into two syllables read [ko? Lo?] Sometimes single consonants of Reading [ko?] . Ancient [kl] in the complex Chinese characters can be consonant sound of the word-find evidence. Such as "grid, Worcester," Initials will read [k], "is favorable, Luo" Initials will read [l]. The old faction in the elderly voice, "Gang," the "end" of initial consonant is not reading [p], [t], but with a strong reading of the shrinkage gas voiced nasal [ 'b], [' d], this shrinkage gas tone now Qingyuan southern Zhejiang, such as Hill Xianju District only in words, Zhuang and Dong have this sound. Zhuang, Dong people are ancient Yue people, or the descendants of the ancient Baiyue nation, the shrinkage gas Baiyue voice tone also as a language of the underlying long-term retention of key words in Shanghai in the initial consonant. These examples illustrate Shanghai voice is retained in ancient factors. Nearly one example, such as the Shanghai dialect, the "turtles, expensive, ghosts," White Reading have read [ʨ y], Reading such as "move," not reading "Gui"; "Deficit" [ʨ hy] (expense) Reading such as "Area" read like "Kui"; "Counters (counters) , kneel "[ʥ y] are reading such as" distance ";" Wai (scarf), "[y] Reading such as" rain "," Hey (600,000), the Fair [y] "read like" - "and not to read such as" for "and" appointment. " In the villages in some places, the "go back" (return) also read such as "Habitat" to "salmon" also read such as "give five", "Zhong Kui," read like "a bell", the last few pronunciation Wu in the Taihu Lake area in the film is retained most of the old pronunciation. However, the rapid merging voice, Shanghai dialect is running in the front, such as the "bowl", "dark" all "official" and "dry" without distinction; "Circle", "rain" distinction, "right", "a" distinction, "a book" and "demolition of urine "distinction," stone "and" tongue "regardless, these are the first in the Shanghai dialect in, walk in the forefront of other Wu dialect. Shanghai dialect of the phonology Wu is to retain most of all. In the countryside elderly people, "passenger [kh? ? K] "," pick [khæ ?]"," carved [kh ∧ k], "" thirst [khœ ?]"," knock [khe ?]"," shell [kh ɔ k] " , "cried [khok]" are homonyms, or seven basic rhyme, the development of urban youth to now, only two to merge, "customer carved = = = pinch himself thirst = [kh ɐ?] , shell = cry [kho?] . " Shanghai dialect vowel from the mid-19th century history at 62, merging the end of the 20th century New School only 32, just completed four generations of people, this voice on the other dialects span is the absence of before. Shanghai city's internal voice very different, different people of different ages as different levels of development about her accent mixed Shanghai dialect, often aware of their differences, but did not feel any communication barriers. Occasional errors are also some understanding. For an old Shanghai in the "New People's Daily" published an article criticizing the young conductor of the bus, "Urumqi Road" is a "Magi," and because "the Magi Road" is the original colonists were from the old road. In fact he got it wrong, is the conductor called "the wood-road" (double-syllable tendency), it was New School Speech [A], [o] close to the beginning, [ʑ] to [ʥ] ( "QI" Initials) on the results of the merger (QI = Psyche) . Some people have a Shaoxing opera in a newspaper criticizing the young actor Zhao Zhigang Receiving the award said, "I got this award," not civilized language. In fact, Zhao Zhigang said "I get a prize", "using" in the pronunciation of the word from the mouth of young people [nE] into a [n ɔ], and "fishing" pronunciation [l ɔ] similar. Elderly people who are got it wrong. Now [n ɔ] But then restored the old Shanghai Music, Mr high temperature recorded in 1862 "with" Music is [n ɔ]. The old camp, New School No matter which faction, to become law in Shanghai no authority to speak about the others.

The North-South high degree of tolerance where language
After a commercial city Shanghai, the immigrants throughout the country pooled Shanghai, their language on the Shanghai dialect will have a certain impact, many people, especially Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and Shanghai dialect language is similar to Shanghai dialect most affected. North-South language in Shanghai intersection, in a free communication, a number of words in Shanghai take root, into the Shanghai dialect, in the Shanghai dialect synonymous with particularly high. For example, said that "together" Adverbs "a total, total, total, total general, the Commission, together in total, brought together a total of the total, together, together spicy sea all came together in total, together pull up to Le together, including a fallen son, Hang eight cold war, the three countries charged Abdul Gayoom", " a total "," total "so common language from the north;" together, together spicy sea, together pull up to Le together "from the local community are now also used in rural Shanghai, the city has not said more. "Together in total, brought together a total of" multi-nationals for Zhejiang; "Hang eight cold fight" from Fujian Cantonese, "Abdul Gayoom States charged three" from Ningbo cavity Pidgin English "all sum", the initial read is "Road 3 Abdul Gayoom"; "Brought together a total of the total" in the last 40-60 years the sea is very commonly used, this time saying that "a total, total overall, a total of spicy sea, including a collapse of the" more.
Diversification is the term commonly used Shanghai dialect of a high degree of tolerance performance, and it makes life easier in Shanghai outsiders understand the town near the Shanghai dialect. To give you a few examples: In the Shanghai dialect, "certainly" yes "definitely, definitely, steady,一准, plate, plate set, fixed terms regulation" and other synonyms; "About" "approximately, probably for Hing, about Mo, Mo for about about having some MO having ";" suddenly, "" Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly sound energy, the head of Health, the Health at the end of the first, the Health salad, spicy Health at the end of the first. " Again position word "first" yes "yet to come, after the end of the first, after the end of the back, behind the head, back, behind the head, buttocks first." "Outside", "potential, the first outside, outside, outside, outside the head, at the end of the first." "Slowly" yes "is slowly, slowly to slowly referrals, referrals can slowly, slowly to months." In the 1960s, the Shanghai dialect gradually give up their own dialects in the number of the more commonly used word carries some of the common forms Wu win, such as abandoning the "household finishes," "Field" and the generic "local."
Shanghai dialect words in many other dialects can be inclusive terms. For instance, Shandong Province to Shanghai sales "pie", the Shanghai dialect vocabulary called on the addition of a "pie" words, but "big" reading "of" Music and Reading Shandong sound nearly as "da." Again Subei were sold in Shanghai "oil enables son", the people of Shanghai in their own language Riga a "enables", read as "casual", Subei people to the people of Shanghai called "aerostabilities rod cutter" food known as "brittle Serratula" Shanghai people call "brittle Serratula," but "Serratula" also with the pronunciation for "mahua", do not read "moho"; Cantonese sell "sashimi atherosclerosis," "wonton noodle," "sashimi" the people of Shanghai called the "fish", the original reading is not partial-style "sashimi", "won" and "wonton" this is all over Reading Music formed by various different wording, the people of Shanghai regard to the use of their copy; in Shanghai Ningbo people "screen" is "1000"; "dried vegetables," called "dry vegetables," Shanghai people have taken out and used. Shanghai dialect other dialects can absorb the first-class commonly used term use or replace their common words, such as absorption of Ningbo words "Allah" has replaced the old Shanghai dialect the first person plural "I nuns", "high-head", "window" great replace "to the waves", "window" of potential , the "old man", "Granny" linking tone also spent Ningbo sound. Instead of discrimination or exclusion, but can be more casual manner absorption Shanghai immigrants living language, and transform themselves, which fully shows that the people of Shanghai said Heiner-inclusive vision.

Three new leadership superscript strong language DOF
Shanghai public leadership superscript new public awareness, creating a vibrant Shanghai dialect. The 19th century and early 20th century those years, the rapid development of Shanghai's economy from abroad to the endless new things, then it is a new thing, the people of Shanghai on making it a new term, such as "roads, houses, bookshops, newspapers, video cinemas, trucks, tricycles , football, golf, clubs, museums, kindergartens, water supply, Cream, elastics to shoot paper thin. " With the rise of bookstore newspaper, many transliteration or translation of foreign words such as "sofa, coffee, beer, humor, cells" are also set up in Shanghai by the books, newspapers magazines spread to all parts of the country into the common language. Civil term often fads, such as Shanghai earliest electricity car, the "tram", then there are track, then the people of Shanghai were put on the amount of facial wrinkles called "tram route," he walk called "11 Road tram." With the emergence of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, from "thinking" with expanded open extended to "open" and "closed" two words for the transaction, pricing has become a "plate", that is, "Ming disc", "dark -" other, so the passenger Qisheng was overweight (people on the passenger side, that is to) and "foreign disk" (foreigners) came into being. Further development of the innocence of money foreigners were called "foreign disk" and later simply to "lay not know", "fooled not aware" of the "evidences of Hope" all into "foreign disk." Such flexibility coinage and terms of the divergence of thinking, that is not in Shanghai this seaside community, the atmosphere created by.
Another characteristic of Shanghai culture is look overseas, how Wang use and incorporate others. Loanwords Shanghai dialect is positive for the introduction. In the early 20th century had to be the first to receive atmosphere, the introduction of a large number of Japanese terms, and create a large number of transliteration words, as well as some type suffix also in the foreign language, such as "deception, red-headed San," "three" and "small Diao different, triphosgene different," "different (molds)" . Another example is that a person "old carats," "carat" is "classic classics" in the past, saying "approach, Techniques" "digging and potential" is "ways", once had a worldwide team of "Pidgin language." Now that the Shanghai Youth Inclusion foreign words when it is also sometimes the words visible. This "ism" that the habit of always march in Shanghai dialect Shukan Shincho, will help promote social modernization.
Shanghai public use words also demonstrated its use of objects of different levels, in the terms or synonymous phrase before, and it was all because of non-interference in each other, the ordinary people, the words are equal, without any authority of the French no attention to the normative. It has been said that the new "plane wave hanging crabs - Suspended 8 feet", but also said that the old "King Kong Tengyun four - Suspended 8 feet." It has been said that "cool", but also said "many means," said "Hope", both traditional and hip, educated and formal peer.
Chinese dialects in the South and the North, there are many grammatical differences, there do not have to use here, so you can be in Shanghai peaceful coexistence. As can be nodding or shaking his head replace FOR asked "non-Questions," in Chinese, there are basically four forms: 1, V?; 2, V not V; 3, V is not; 4, V ( "V" for the verb). In many relatively simple dialect, often to only one question. Words such as Suzhou only "V" - style, Hangzhou, Shaoxing used only if "V not V" - style, if only Yixing "V-no" - style, if only in Jiaxing "V?" Style. However, in the Shanghai dialect of the four types of hybrid forms and are free to say. If "Lennon students cutting?" "Lennon is not a student?" "Lennon Afghan students?" "Lennon is not students." And "Lennon Afghan students cutting?" "Lennon students Albania was cutting?" "Lennon students, is not yes?" Even the English in the form of anti-Questions such as Italy "Lennon is not the students, is cutting?" the people of Shanghai also used. Therefore, the foreigners to Shanghai, regardless of where he is, asked what form it is in Shanghai can Communication, Shanghai people have listened to understand. Therefore, as people engage in economic activities in Shanghai is lubrication, also interviewed by the free, it is such a diverse and Shanghai Communication environment to develop a wide degree of freedom.
A popular Chinese-language forms with the "people V1 + V2 + - +" sentence, the original word order in Shanghai dialect, only 1-2 kinds of expressions. Later, in the dialect of migrants around under the influence, but also become free, as long as it does not cause semantic ambiguity, the following six argument can be: "bought side dishes for Iraq to eat," "bought for Iraq eat well and vegetable," "for Iraq to buy good side dishes to eat," "bought side dishes Iraq eat," "good side dishes for Iraq to buy food," "good vegetable buy Iraqi eat." It can be seen that in the Shanghai dialect in the assembly language ability and the strength to accommodate Shanghai dialect words throughout the habit of flexibility.

Both EC, scattered four modifications of the language

Many of the people of Shanghai are now bilingual, as will again say that Shanghai dialect, will have their original hometown. Subei, as some of the people of Shanghai origin in their own communities, said North Jiangsu, and with the other person or in more formal communication occasions that Shanghai dialect. Today, the number of Shanghai people would say that Putonghua. According to speak such different occasions, or different objects, can continue to bilingual or multi-lingual conversion phenomenon, social communication in Shanghai have become commonplace. This is a different language and the hybrid mutual absorption strengths created a benign environment. Shanghai language environment can be a sub, people assembled on different occasions in different levels of Shanghai dialect. With grandparents said the old camp, stood with his old friend said, with the young new friends that fashion, with the teacher colleagues said that "authentic norms", say at the meeting of the writing, with the white-collar foreign word that the band, said band with the shareholders of the market Catchwords in formal settings, the media before the microphone said Putonghua . Many lived in Shanghai with Shanghai said many Shanghai dialect words or voice characteristics of the "Shanghai Putonghua", such as "the film was to look good," "I do not come up" and "you do not.", "Here there is a tunnel eyes", "he not happy, I do the old assured "Even with the bus station reported in the" infant car turning up, please attraction to handrails "into" vehicles to turn and grab please Rafah good. " There is no "stadium U-turn", "open the door please beware", and so on are Putonghua Shanghai variants, let alone "en, ch, sh, r" and "z, c, s, l," regardless; Not long ago, before the foreigners come to Shanghai to learn not just about her again more Shanghai with the words "ordinary Shanghai dialect," such as "Let's clothes to Nanjing Street kids!" but we can all understand the exchange. Shanghai dialect in this open environment of change, become more angry and more necessary to simplify the Convention few more, in some special occasions, more delicate and more differentiated, a unified, decentralized, developed a rich level social dialects.本回答被提问者采纳