

第1个回答  2022-05-30


  1. Female students constitute the majority of our class. .(相比之下,他们班全由男生组成)

  2.As our time was running out, we drove even faster (希望能够准时赶到机场).

  3.(这些问题连续不断地出现)suggests that our plan should be adjusted.

  4.In his recently written autobiography, (他把自己的成功归功于父母的鼓励).

  5.(我们现在必须唤醒人们认识到环保的重要性),or it would be too late.

  6.If he had known this would happen, (他当初也许会以不同方式行事).

  7.(只要你一直努力工作),you will recall your past with satisfaction.

  8.Every mother is proud of her child and (父亲也一样).

  9.No one knows exactly (信息高速路的发展将把我们带往何处).

  10.(他刚到家)when it started raining.

  1.【答案】By contrast, their class is made up of male students only.或By contrast, only male students constitute their class.

  【解析】本题的主要考点在于固定搭配。表达“相比”或“与……相对”之意可用词组by contrast,而“组成”之意可使用前文提到的动词constitute也可使用词组be made up of。

  2.【答案】in hopes that we could arrive at the airport on time或in hopes that we could reach the airport on time又或in hopes that we could make it to the airport on time

  【解析】本题的主要考点在于固定搭配。通过分析前半句可知,“希望”并非句子的谓语,因此不可直接使用动词hope,而应使用固定搭配in hopes that意为“怀着……的希望”。“准时”之意考查的是比较基础的词组on time,此处应注意其与表达“即时”之意的in time相区别。而“赶到”之意可用arrive at或reach,也可用表达“成功地……”之意的固定搭配make it to。

  3.【答案】The fact that these problems are continually showing up或The continual appearance of these problems

  【解析】本题的考点在于语法。通过分析句子结构可知,本句谓语为suggest,所以需要翻译的部分充当句子的主语,故可以考虑使用从句或使用名词性词组。需要注意的是使用从句时应根据语法需要补出汉语中没有体现出的部分the fact,使句子结构完整。

  4.【答案】he owes his success to his parents encouragement或He attributes his success to his parents餰ncouragement


  5.【答案】We must awaken people to the importance of environment protection


  6.【答案】he would have acted differently或He would have acted in a different way

  【解析】本题主要考查语法,考点是虚拟语气。由句意提示可知,本句是if引导的虚拟句,表示对过去情况的假设。由于前半句出现了had加动词的过去分词,后半句应使用would加have done的结构。

  7.【答案】As long as you keep working hard或As long as you work hard all the time

  【解析】本题考点在于固定搭配。表达“只要……”之意可用词组as long as...,而提示中出现的“一直”则可使用动词词组keep doing...,意为“一直或持续做某事”,也可考虑用all the time来表示时间。

  8.【答案】so is every father

  【解析】本句主要考点为语法,考查倒装结构。当so表示“同样”或“也……”之意时,其后的句子需要倒装。翻译本句时还要注意every father作主语时谓语应为单数形式。

  9.【答案】where the development of the information highway will lead us


  10.【答案】Hardly had he arrived home或He had hardly arrived home

