谁能帮我翻译一下 中文→英文

1 他乐意帮助别人,从不要求任何回报.我们很赞赏他。
2 并不是所有的失业工人都失去了信心.他们当中三分之一人很快就找到了新工作。
3 据说他的书很畅销,已经翻译成了多国语言。(translate...into)
4 你为什么不去度假呢?别再叹气和沮丧了。假期应该能使你受益非浅。
5 好奇并没有什么错,但是你不应该窥探人家。
6 尽管鱼和肉对我们的骨骼生长有利,但是难以消化。富含纤维的食物有助消化。

第1个回答  2007-07-29
1 He take pleasure in help other people, never request any repay. we applaud him very much.
2 It was not all unemployed workers to lose the confidence. they in the middle 1/3 the person is quick very found out the new work.
3 It is said that his book is sells very well, have already translate multilingual.(translate...into)
4 You why not spend a holiday?Stop sigh and upset.The holidays should can make you be subjected to the benefit not shallow.
5 Very strange have no what wrong, but you shouldn't trail and discover the somebody else.
6 Though the fish and meats grow to our skeleton beneficial, but hard digest.The food that enriches to contain the fiber helps the digest.
第2个回答  2007-07-29