
HUNGRY AS A BEAR Now that’s hungry. “In fall when salmon first arrive in the streams and grizzlieseat more than 100 pounds of blubber and meat in a day. So if you have friends who eat like polar bears, you might tell them to watch their cholesterol. And remind them that about 80 percent of the grizzly bear’s diet is made up of plenty of greens, fruit and tubers—some 200 plant species in all.

第1个回答  2011-08-27
现在的饥饿。 “在秋天,鲑鱼初来乍到的溪涧的时候,灰熊能在每天吃超过100磅的脂和肉。因此,如果你有朋友吃得像北极熊一样,你可能会告诉他们,注意他们的胆固醇。并提醒他们,灰熊的饮食,约有80%是大量的蔬菜,水果和块茎,总共差不多有200个植物物种。