


第1个回答  2007-11-16
I have already been to an ayuntamiento, they say there is only AN on the report card don't calculate qualified, all want to send to the Ministry of Interior reviewing, if my data was send to the Ministry of Interior, new of the ID card don't know when then can come down.
第2个回答  2007-11-03
成绩单 应译成 transcript

I went to the City Hall. They said I could not qualify with any A grade on my transcript. My documents would have to be sent to the Ministry of Interior for further examination. If so, I don't know when I will receive my new ID card.
第3个回答  2007-11-03
I have been to city hall from where I only got the bad news, they said that report card is qualified only when there are no "a" on the card, and if you are not qualified all your documants have to be sent to the ministry of interior.

If my information be sent to the Ministry of the Interior, the new ID card will not know when it'll come to me.

第4个回答  2007-11-03
I have visited the City Hall and they told me that I would not be considered to have passed if my report card had an A on it. In that case, they would have to send my information to the Ministry of Interior for further evaluation. I do not know for how long it will take for me to receive my new ID if they indeed have sent my information to the Ministry of Interior.
第5个回答  2007-11-03
I have been to the city hall, they said it didn't pass that if it just has got A in the grades report, and it will be sent to ministry of interior and get censored. If my information materials have been sent to ministry of interior, it's going to be unknown when my new ID will be given off.本回答被提问者采纳