

第1个回答  2022-06-08

When you get the letter of acceptance, you will find this summer very interesting, watermelon is very sweet, air conditioning is very cool, effort is worth it.


There is scenery outside the window, and there is a future in my writing. I bow my head to the sea and look up to the future.


Your name is so beautiful that it will appear in your ideal school notice.


Be sure to go where you want to go, meet the right people and better yourself.


May the moment you close the pen cover, there will be a soldier's pride like a sword in the sheath.


I hope you can leave a strong mark through your own efforts.


Dream is the persistence of taking up the pen in the early morning, the unhesitation of lifting the quilt, the soberness of cold water, the surprise of seeing the rising sun and the light of notebook blooming at six o'clock.


Classical Chinese is very long, there are many texts, math problems are very difficult, physics headache, five o'clock and eleven o'clock sleep, there are also messy people, but I still want to spell, want to go far away, want to see the people are very good, I do not accept.