

第1个回答  2011-09-29
From five movies, it is my favorite movie is "forrest gump, don't know why, in the science and technology is the first productivity in the society, but I envy the IQ is only 75 people, the envy of his experience, the envy of his fortune, his luck. Because the forrest's intelligence and physical disability led him to have a is not happy childhood, but have a that he loves life of woman, forrest gump doesn't seem attached to pursue what, life is always in chasing his steps, in normal eyes, forrest gump is a not, also do not know life of the people, but throughout his life, it is a pen may meet but do not seek wealth, in the tide of money society, like forrest gump such does not seem to exist, like stupid is
第2个回答  2011-09-29