几个中文小句子需要翻英文!! 请英语不错 或者会英语的帮我翻译一下 紧急!感激不尽!

我需要有人能帮我把 下面的内容 翻成英语
感谢!! 拜托嘞

我发现joseph是不愿意穿上外套的当我要求他穿上外套并且换上室外鞋他是不停地摇著头并且不停地重复说’’no’’拒绝我的要求的因为这样所以我就先去帮忙其他的孩子让我的老师来跟他沟通但不晓得为什麼後来的他突然发脾气了不停的一直哭诉(Whinig) 并且哭闹著的说no. 於是老师帮他穿上外套之後暂时留他一个人待在原地冷静而老师就先去让孩子们排好队准备出门了後来我的另一个老师在我们离开前就用法语和他沟通并且牵著他的手走出来让他进入队伍里面他的情绪之後才开始慢慢平稳

今天下午在Free play time的时候我的老师发现地上是湿的有孩子尿尿在地板上了!
於是我和我的老师赶紧检查每个孩子的裤子发现竟然是joseph的裤子是湿的! 於是我帮忙我的老师赶紧带他去厕所换掉裤子和袜子以及鞋子因为都是湿的.而我的老师则是清理并消毒地板.我在让joseph换裤子时用英语问他为什麼尿尿不去马桶上尿或者是告诉我们一声呢? 当我问他问题时,joseph是没有反应的他只是盯著我看好像一点也不了解发生了什麼事的样子後来我的另一个老师进来厕所用法语问他尿尿在裤子上的原因并且告诉他下一次要尿尿时必须要直接来到厕所坐在马桶上或者是告知我们
而不是直接尿尿在裤子上这样是不好也是不对的行为 joseph这时才终於点点头

‘’joseph, do you want to make pee pee too?’’ 他跟我点头

第1个回答  2015-12-03
This morning is upstairs for the children to put on a coat and teacher ready to take the children to the park for a walk
Joseph, I found, is not willing to put on the coat when I asked him to put on your coat and put on outdoor shoes he is kept shaking his head and kept repeating said "no" to refuse my request because it so I'll go to help other children for my teacher to communicate with him but I don't know why he suddenly lost his temper later continuously has been crying (Whinig) and cry to say no. So the teacher to help him put on the coat after temporarily leave him alone in situ cool and teacher first to get the kids to line up to prepare to go out later, another one of my teacher before we leave in French and he communication and holding his hand out to let him into the team after his mood began to slowly and smoothly

This afternoon in the Free play time when my teacher found that the floor is wet with children pee on the floor!
Then my teacher and I found it was Joseph to check each child's pants pants is wet! So I help my teacher to take him to the toilet to replace because trousers and socks and shoes are wet. And my teacher is cleaning and disinfection of the floor. I use English when I was in for Joseph to change asked why he pee don't go to the toilet pee or let us know? When I asked him a question, there is no reaction Joseph he just stare at me like the look of the do not know what happened later, another one of my teacher in the toilet in French asked why he pee in your pants and told him the next time to pee must let us know directly to the toilet or sitting on the toilet
Instead of directly pee in your pants it is bad and bad behavior Joseph then finally nodded

Between today near about when is the time we just return from outside for a walk to the kindergarten just the same as our schedules allow children to go to the bathroom and go to the bathroom to wash your hands before he let them sit down and prepare to eat lunch
We make some kids in line and let some want to go to the bathroom to wash your hands lined another line and then go to the toilet
Because such toilets is crowded because some children to other children want to go to the bathroom to wash your hands
Then Joseph turn to wash your hands when he sat next to stare at the toilet pee kids watch so I asked him
"Joseph, do you want to pee pee too? "He nodded to me
Still sitting on the toilet pee before so I let the child after flush the toilet let Joseph himself off his pants and then sit on the toilet and I stood watching him about five minutes later he was nothing from the toilet up but he urine is put on the pants so I let him to wash your hands and let him to sit down and prepare to eat lunch本回答被网友采纳