
急呀。 过程一定要精彩

第1个回答  2014-03-08

Ma Po Tofu麻婆豆腐



2 pieces of firm tofu, 120g ground pork, some spring onion, 1t rice wine, some ginger, some garlic, 2T oil, some salt.2块老豆腐,120克猪肉馅,少量葱,1茶匙料酒,少量姜、蒜,2匙食用油,少量盐
(1) 1t light soy sauce, some ground white pepper, some potato starch, some sesame oil, some rice wine.1匙生抽,少量白胡椒、淀粉,少量香油和料酒
(2) 1/4 cup of stock, 1T dark soy sauce, 1t sugar, 1t hot bean paste, 1t potato starch.    四分之一杯由以下材料构成的酱料:1匙老抽,1匙白糖,1匙豆豉酱,1匙淀粉




    Soak tofu in water with some salt for 15 minutes; Remove; Blanch in boiling water for 10 seconds; Remove; Soak in iced water for 5 minutes; Remove; Cut into pieces.用淡盐水浸泡豆腐约15分钟,取出后在开水中过一下(约10秒),移到冰水中约5分钟取出;切成片

     Rinse and dice spring onion; Rinse and shred ginger; Peel, rinse and mince garlic.洗净葱并切成短节;姜洗净切成丝;蒜剥皮后洗净切碎

     Blanch ground pork in boiling water for 10 seconds; Remove and drain; Marinate in seasoning (1) for 15 minutes.把猪肉馅放在开水中过10秒,取出沥干,用(1)中的调料腌制约15分钟

     Add seasoning (2) to a bowl and mix well.把调料(2)都放在一个碗里并混合均匀

     Heat a wok with 2T oil over a high heat; Stir-fry shredded ginger and minced garlic over a low heat till fragrant; Add the ground pork; Stir-fry over a high heat till done; Drizzle with 1t rice wine; Stir-fry over a high heat briefly; Add tofu and seasoning (2); Cook over a medium heat till the sauce has thickened; Sprinkle with diced spring onion. Ready to serve.用高火加热2茶匙的食用油,将姜丝和蒜茸爆干,撒入1茶匙的料酒,迅速用旺火翻炒;加入豆腐和调料(2);用中火继续烹调到收汁;撒上葱花。上盘待用。

    Blanching in boiling water and ice bath can make tofu less easy to fall part.    把豆腐在开水里和冰水里过一遍,可以防止豆腐散开。
