
Q1. Describe what you consider your most honorable act/thing in University, and please explain why you consider it the most honorable. 在大学期间担任干部 使自己的大学生活更加丰富 同时锻炼自己的能力 成为一个有责任意识人。
* Q2. Give an example that you worked with a team to achieve a difficult/important goal.

* Q3. Describe an event where you were in a dilemma/difficulty and had to make a decision. Also mention what made you arrive this decision.

* Q4. Describe a situation where you came up with the most creative idea to solve a problem or to lead to the success to the activity/project.

* Q5. Give an example when you encountered a failure, and how you reacted to it.
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第1个回答  2008-05-07
Q3. Describe an event where you were in a dilemma/difficulty and had to make a decision. Also mention what made you arrive this decision.

* Q4. Describe a situation where you came up with the most creative idea to solve a problem or to lead to the success to the activity/project. 描述一个情形:你怎么想到一个最有创意的想法解决问题或者引导你做一场成功的活动或者工程

* Q5. Give an example when you encountered a failure, and how you reacted to it.