
Civil partner
Unmarried partner
Dissolved partnership

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
1.Civil partner(same-sex marriage同性婚姻):Civil partnerships in the United Kingdom, granted under the Civil Partnership Act 2004, give same-sex couples rights and responsibilities identical to civil marriage. Civil Partners are entitled to the same property rights as married opposite-sex couples, the same exemption as married couples on inheritance tax, social security and pension benefits, and also the ability to get parental responsibility for a partner's children,[1] as well as responsibility for reasonable maintenance of one's partner and their children, tenancy rights, full life insurance recognition, next-of-kin rights in hospitals, and others. There is a formal process for dissolving partnerships akin to divorce.

2.Unmarried partner(类似非法同居)
A person who is not related to the householder, who shares living quarters with, and who has a close personal relationship with the householder.
3.Dissolved partnership 大概是指两个离异后的人所形成的一种关系
4.A domestic partnership is a legal or personal relationship between two individuals who live together and share a common domestic life but are neither joined by a traditional marriage nor a civil union. However, in some jurisdictions, such as California, domestic partnership is in fact equivalent to marriage, or to other legally recognized same-sex or different-sex unions. The terminology for such unions is still evolving, and the exact level of rights and responsibilities conferred by a domestic partnership varies widely from place to place本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-04-06
事实上,在英国,同性结婚不叫married而是civil partner。所以异性之间离婚叫divorce,但是同性因为不是结婚,所以不能叫称其为离婚divorce,而应该是解除同性彼此之间的关系,因此叫做dissolved partnership,意思是同性之间关系解除,类似于异性之间的离婚的说法。
另外,据了解,unmarried partner应该是同居而未婚。
第3个回答  2008-05-15
civil partner民事伴侣关系
(随着“同性伴侣法”的出台,civil partnership也成为一个新鲜词,意思是“民事伴侣关系”。为什么不把同性间的“婚姻”称为marriage呢?这是因为同性伴侣法虽然将使英国同性伴侣享有多个与异性夫妻一样的法律权力,但法律上并没有允许同性伴侣“结婚”,只将他(她)们的关系称为“民事伴侣”关系)
Unmarried partner这好理解,是未婚同居伴侣关系
如未婚同居伴侣签证Unmarried Partner Visa
Dissolved partnership是解除婚约关系
第4个回答  2008-05-15
marital status 婚姻状况
civil status 婚姻状况

Civil partner 民事伴侣(同性伴侣、同性同居人)
Unmarried partner 同居伴侣(未婚,即婚前同居伴侣)
Dissolved partnership 关系已解散、曾经的伴侣(牛魔王说的“关系破裂了”,应该就类似此种含义)
第5个回答  2008-05-15
Civil partner民事伴侣关系civil union就是指同性恋等类似婚姻的结合.
Unmarried partner未婚同居伴侣
Dissolved partnership解散的伴侣关系