piss off是什么意思英语


第1个回答  2023-08-15

piss off音标:[英][pis ɔf][美][pɪs ɔf]滚开,使厌烦,使生气。


1、John was so pissed off when he found out that someone else had been given the promotion instead of him.当约翰发现提升的是别人而不是他时,他非常生气。

2、Her attitude on the matter really pisses me off.她在这件事上的态度让我厌烦极了。

3、You useless!You really wanna give me a big disgrace? You know, you really piss me off!没用的东西,你非要给我丢脸吗?真是气死我了。

4、I'll leave. I know I piss off every one of you.我会离开,我知道我让很你们每个人讨厌。

5、It really pissed me off that they didn't help me out when I needed it.在我需要帮助时他们不帮我,着实让我生气。

6、It really pissed me off when my car won't start in the morning.早上要是汽车发动不了,那真会把我气死。

7、Man, it really pisses me off when people interrupt me like that.哼,如果我被别人那样打断的话,我就会特别生气。