
我想请问一下,是哪个快递公司负责装运?是顺丰快递还是韵达快递? 能否给我一些产品的照片,或者产品图册,我们可以用于宣传贵司的产品。

第1个回答  2013-05-27
May I ask which express is in charge of load and transport? Is it SF-expree or Yunda?
Could you please offer me some pictures of products or products guide book? And I can use it for promoting goods of your company.

第2个回答  2013-05-27
我想请问一下,是哪个快递公司负责装运?是顺丰快递还是韵达快递? 能否给我一些产品的照片,或者产品图册,我们可以用于宣传贵司的产品。

Would you please tell me which express is in charge of the delivery? Shunfeng or Yunda? Would you please give me some pictures of your products or the catalogue so that we can use them to promote your products.
第3个回答  2013-05-27
I need to know which express service - Shunfeng or Yunda Express? Could you provide products catagories, pictures, etc. so to promote your company?
第4个回答  2013-05-27
Could you please tell me which express company is resoponsible for delivering? Is it SF-Express or Yunda Express? Can you send me some pictures or the illustrated books of the products for us to promote your products?
