





第1个回答  2013-05-20

Hello, XXXX
We apologize for bothering you again. We regret to tell you that our boss disagree on
paying 50%. Howerver, considering the time you have spent, we would like to pay you 200 USD,
and we do hope you will accept it as our apologies and sincerity.

如果觉得可以, 后面再帮你翻...
第2个回答  2013-05-20
excuse me to bother you again,i'm sorry to teel you that our boss didn't agree to pay fof the half of it,although all of us think that we have wasted you a lot of time,but,for expressing our sincerity and apology,we are willing to give you 200 dollar,boss said that if you agree to sent the word sample to us,then we continue our bussness,if you don't,the money give you before needn't retreat to us,we are look forward to the next transaction,and we hope we can forget the unpleasent thing,thank you !
第3个回答  2013-05-20
Hello, excuse me again, I'm sorry to tell you, our boss is not agreed to pay half, but we are of the view that make you a lot of time, in order to show our sincerity and apologies. We are willing to pay you 200 dollars. The boss said if you agree to the word sample, we continue to trade word. If you do not agree with this money, you needn't retreat, we hope to continue the next transaction. I hope we can put before the unhappy things forget, thank you
第4个回答  2013-05-21
Dear xx,
Sorry to disturb you again. I wish to inform you that my boss did not agree to pay half the amount, but we are willing to pay you US$200 for expressing our sincerity and regret as we believe to have wasted much of your time. My boss further said that if you agree to send us the sample in Word, we will continue the deal on it; otherwise, we hope to proceed with our next deal and you don't have to refund the $200. We sincerely hope that both of us will forget about the unpleasant matters which were already past .
Thank you.








The modality of cooperation as we expected should be:
When you get the said data/information, send us half of it for verification. If it is verified true and authentic, we will make payment to your designated bank account. After receiving the payment, you should send us the remaining half/the whole of the data/information.

In case of any query, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Looking forward to sincere cooperation between us.

第5个回答  2013-05-20
excuse me!I am sorry to tell you that our boss disagree pay half.But we think that we have waste your lots of time.For our sorry ,we would pay you 200 dollers.