
I love the spring mornings, the afternoons in autumn, the winter evenings and the summer nights....but you I love more!

It is deaf and it wants to have sex with you……What do you say?
Do you know that you would look great with two pounds less ... in my opinion those clothes weigh exactly two pounds!

You are just like a Bounty ... a piece of paradise on earth!

You're eyes are soft en tender,as sweet as they can be.There's one thing you must remember, you are the one for me!

There are so many people in the world but in my world there's only one and that's you!

第1个回答  2008-06-21
I love the spring mornings, the afternoons in autumn, the winter evenings and the summer nights....but you I love more!
我爱这春天的早晨 秋天的午后 冬天的夜晚 和夏天的黄昏
但我更爱的 是你

It is deaf and it wants to have sex with you……What do you say? 他是聋的并且想与你鱼水之欢 你会说什么

Do you know that you would look great with two pounds less ... in my opinion those clothes weigh exactly two pounds!
知道不 如果你再瘦两磅的话 你可以称之为美丽
不过我宁愿认为 是你的衣服使你看上去胖了
You are just like a Bounty ... a piece of paradise on earth!
你像是一片富饶之地 一片地上的天堂
You're eyes are soft en tender,as sweet as they can be.There's one thing you must remember, you are the one for me!
你的眼荡漾的温柔 如蜜一样甜 你只需记得一件事 那就是你是我的唯一
There are so many people in the world but in my world there's only one and that's you!
世界上有如此多人 但我的世界中只有你
第2个回答  2008-06-21



