
1. 移动电话、电子邮件、电话、传真是最常见的通信途径。(means)
2. 如果月球上存在空气和水,就会有生命存在。(exist)
3. 如今要找一个能让人充分发挥其才能的工作并不容易。(which,bring...into full play)
4. 你认识的词越多,你越会发现理解文章内容和意义较容易。(the more...)
5. 解决实际问题的办法无法事先看到。(solution, advance)
6. 在这种情况下,我们也无能为力,只能假装视而不见。(pretend)
7. 他们承诺,不管发生什么,他们都会完成这项工作。(whatever)
8. 一年前我几乎没想到能为他们公司工作。(little)
9. 我从来没想到你会干这种事。(occur to)
10. 史密斯先生坚持要在下次会议上讨论此事。(insist)
11. 尽管吸烟会引起多种疾病,许多吸烟者却不愿戒烟。(unwilling)

第1个回答  2013-07-21
1.Mobile phones, e-mail, phone, fax, is the most common means of communication. 2. If there is air and water on the Moon, you will have life. 3. now you want to find a full play to its not going to be easy. 4. the words the more you know, the more you'll find easier understood the article content and significance. 5. solve real-world problems cannot be seen in advance. 6. in this case, we can do but to pretend. 7. they promised that no matter what happens, they will finish this work. 8. a year ago, I almost didn't expect to work for their companies. 9. I never thought you would do such a thing. 10. Mr. Smith insisted on discussing the matter at the next meeting. 11. While smoking causes many diseases, many smokers are reluctant to give up smoking.
第2个回答  2013-07-21

    The most common means of communication are mobile phone, e-mail, telephone and fax.

    If there exists air and water, the moon will have lives.

    Nowadays, it's not easy to find a job which could bring one's talents into full play.

    The more vocabulary you know, the more easily you'll understand the content and meanings of passages.

    We can't see solutions for problems in advance.

    In this situation, we are unable to do anything but just to pretend blind to it.

    They promise that whatever happens, they will finishi this work.

    One year ago, little could I think of that I would work for their company.

    It didn't occur to me that you could do this.

    Mr. Smith insists that this issue should be discussed during next meeting.

    Though being aware of smoking could cause diseases, smokers are still unwilling to give it up.


第3个回答  2013-07-21
第4个回答  2013-07-21