apple and orange是什么意思


第1个回答  2023-04-04

apple and orange意思:苹果和桔子。指不同种类的东西,与汉语“风马牛不相及”相似。


1、An apple core is the part of an apple left after the outside has been eaten.苹果的核心是苹果外面后剩下的部分被吃掉了。

2、a sweet eating apple with bright red skin; most widely grown apple worldwide.甜的吃苹果,鲜红的皮肤最广泛种植的苹果全球。

3、The safe fruit may be called the apple, because "the apple" also is the safe harmonics, moreover is the safe fruit's harmonics, therefore delivers the apple.安全水果可以称为苹果,因为苹果也是安全谐波,而且是安全水果的谐波,所以送苹果。

orange 例句:

1、Dan played with the tangerine peel, letting it uncoil and then coil again.丹摆弄着那片橘子皮,将它不停地展开来卷回去。

2、Lee broke off a small piece of orange and held it out to him.李掰下一小瓣橘子递给他。

3、He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window.他从冰箱里拿了点橘子汁,然后手拿杯子溜达到厨房的窗口。

4、At night she slept with her children under the orange trees.夜间则和孩子睡在橘子树下.

5、He often paced up and down the veranda, muttering to himself.他亲身给她到街上去买橘子,又托便人买了金柑来.