
1 有不吃的蔬菜吗?
2 确认点的什么餐的用语 (1) 1个6英寸的…(口味)三明治 面包是…(口味) 2个12英寸的……面包是……
3 欢迎光临
4 谢谢光临
5 还是和原来一样?
6 不要……是吗?
7 小麦面包 薯片 玉米粒
8 which sandwich do you want? 这样问可以吧?
9 饮料要冷饮还是热饮?
10 …(什么种类的面包) 没有了

Subway restaurants

1 有不吃的蔬菜吗?
Is there any vegetables that you don't like?

2 确认点的什么餐的用语
(1) 1个6英寸的…(口味)三明治 面包是…(口味)
A 6 inches of ...(favour)sandwich ; The bread is.....(favour)
2 of the 12 inches ......bread is...

3 欢迎光临
We welcome you.

4 谢谢光临
Thank you for coming.

5 还是和原来一样?
Or same as usual?

6 不要……是吗?
So, you don't want the.....?

7 小麦面包 薯片 玉米粒
Whole wheat bread, potato chips, sweet corns

8 which sandwich do you want? 这样问可以吧?
不对,应该说: Which sandwich would you like please?

9 饮料要冷饮还是热饮?
What kind of drinks would you like, hot or cold?

10 …(什么种类的面包) 没有了
.....Sorry, we run out of (XXXbread / XXXsandwich)

第1个回答  2013-04-14
1 Are there any vegetables you don’t want to eat?
2 (1)one six-inch salty / sweet sandwich
The bread is sweet / salty
two 12-inch loafs of bread
3 Welcome to our restaurant!
4 Thanks for your coming!
5 The same as before?
6 Don‘t you want ……?
7 wheat bread
corn grains
8 What sandwich do you want?
9 Do you want cold drink or hot drink?
10 This sort of bread is not served now。
第2个回答  2013-04-15
Subway Restaurants
1 有不吃的蔬菜吗?
Are there any vegetables that you don't want to put into your sandwich?
2 确认点的什么餐的用语
(1) 1个6英寸的…(口味)三明治 面包是…(口味)
A 6 inch of ...( flavor) sandwich ; and you want the …bread?
2 footlong of......and the bread you want is...
3 欢迎光临
Welcome to Subway
4 谢谢光临
Thank you so much for coming.
5 还是和原来一样?
Or the same as before?
6 不要……是吗?
So you don't want the....,right?
7 小麦面包薯片玉米粒
Whole wheat bread, potato chips, and sweet corn
8 Which type of sandwich would you like to order, please?
9 饮料要冷饮还是热饮?
What kind of drink would you like, hot or cold?
10 …(什么种类的面包)没有了
.....Sorry, we run out of (this kind of bread)

Veggies (vegetables): crisp shredded lettuce, slicedtomatoes, crunchy bell peppers, sliced cucumbers and super food spinach
Bread: 9-grain wheat, 9-grain honey oat,Italian,Italian herb& cheese, flatbread
Favorite flavor: warm subs, cold cuts and melts; spicy, indulgent.
Cheese: American cheese, Monterey cheddar cheese
Sauce: ranch, light or regular mayonnaise, oil and chipotle
Southwest ;fat free option including honey mustard, sweet onion, red winevinegar and mustard.
第3个回答  2013-04-15

1. would you like some beef?
2. you ordered a 45 inch pizza, and 200 pieces of bread.
3. I'll see you around
4. hi there, take a sit
5. it's nice to meet you, what would you like to order?
6. c'mon! do you want it or not!!!
7. a sandwich, some fried chicken, and a cup of coffee
8. we don't have any sandwich
9. beer or vodka?
10. we have all kinds of dinosaur eggs, which one do you want?追问

你蒙我是不- -!



第4个回答  2013-04-14
1.Have not to eat vegetables? 2.A 6 inch...sandwich.Bread is... Two 12 inches... Bread is...
3.Welcome to the.4.Thank you for coming.5.Or the same?6.Don't... Isn't it?7.White bread, potato chips, corn.9.Drink cold drink or hot drink?10.... Without the.8是什么?追问

8是问 想要哪种三明治 我说的对吗?


Am I right?

第5个回答  2013-04-15
1 don't eat vegetables? 2 to confirm the terms of what the food (1) 1 6-inch ... (Taste) sandwich breads are ... (Taste) 2 x 12 inch ... ... Bread is ... ... 3-Welcome to 4 thank you 5 or the same? 6 do not ... ... Are you? Wheat bread potato chips corn 8 7 which sandwich do you want? Ask, OK? 9 drinks like a cold drink or a hot drink? 10 ... (What kind of bread) is notEdit answer or you want to insert the picture, please click on the title to the issue detail page