

第1个回答  2013-08-18
Unit1--------Unit4一.选择填空。(20分)1. Yesterday, Jenny was ill, I hope she feels ____________today.A.good B.well C.nice D.better2. I like drinking coffee ____________ sugar in it.A.of B.with C.to D.put3.—What ____________ do you have? —I often feel tired.A.question B.the matter C.problem D. wrong4.He sometimes studies late ____________ 2 am.A.at B.in C.until D. to5.____________ of the children likes to watch cartoons.A.Lot B. One C.Most D. Much6. This song sounds____________.A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. to beauty7. –How long is he ___________? --For two weeksA. staying B. coming C. going D. leaving8. They are_________ after supper.A. staying walk B. going walks C. taking walks D. going walk9. There is _________ between the two movies.A. something difference B. difference something C. something different D. different something10. I am thinking ___________what to do next.A. out B. of C. about D. for11. _________is the weather today?A. What B. How C. Which D. Who12. Jim is __________ for Shanghai on Sunday.A. coming B. doing C. leaving D. returning13. Can you tell me when you ___________home?A. get back to B. get to back C. get back D. get to14. How about __________with us to the Great Wall?A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming15. It takes her 20 minutes ________her homework.A. finish B. finishing C. finished D. to finish16. The weather in Australia is different from ________ in England.A. it B. that C. this D. those17. Tom never depends ________ his parents. He likes to do everything _____himself.A. with ; on B. on ; by C. in; by D. from ; with18.Today is National Day, there are _______ people in the park. A.too many B. too much C. many too D. much too 19. _______________can keep people healthy.A. Exercised B.Exercising C. Take exercise D.Morning exercise20. _________important _________a balanced diet.A. Its, eating B. It’s ,to eat C. That’s, to eat D.That’s, eating根二.据意思或首字母完成句子。21. I think everyone has two________ (foot). 22. The old man has a serious________(ill). 23. He goes skateboarding ____________ (two)a week.24. My ____________(speak)English doesn't improve,so I need some conversation practice.25. Taking a boat is more f_________ than taking a bus.26.It's important for you to eat a ____________ (平衡的)diet.27.One of my friends _________ (锻炼) once a week.28. We can’t ___________ (依靠) on our parents all our life .29. Lin Fei’s home is about 10 __________(公里)from school.30.It's easy to stay________(健康). 31.After school,he is very (activity) in playing sports.32.Let’s talk about the (different) between English and Chinese.33.He was ill yesterday.But now he feels much (well).34.It’s very important for us (study) English well.35.They are planning (visit) Tibet next week.36.What about (go) to the movies tonight?37.Are you (babysit) your little sister this Sunday?38.Yesterday many boys (take) trains to Shanghai39.There (be) a number of people in the shop.40.He (have) a quick breakfast and goes to school.三. 完形填空。(10分)What should we do to keep healthy? One important rule is to exercise__1__. The Fang family try to exercise every day. Mr Fang__2__exercise in the morning because he must get to work at seven o'clock. But he runs every evening. He walks a lot, __3__. He walks to school every day, and after school he__4__different sports with his friends. Mr Fang goes to a yoga (瑜加功) class__5__. But it wasn't__6__this way. Last year Mr and Mrs Fang used to(过去常常)__7__everywhere in their car, even to the drugstore(药店) two blocks(街区)away. They thought they had to use the car all the time. They wouldn't walk. So they often go to the drugstore.But the Fangs all__8__better now. They believe they shouldn't be lazy. We__9__exercise every day, but we should try our__10__to exercise as often as possible. 41. A. often B. sometimes C. late D. later 42. A. may not B. can not C. would not D. should not 43. A. either B. also C. too D. again 44. A. watches B. plays C. loves D. likes 45. A. in two weeks B. for two weeks C. after two weeks D. twice a week 46. A. always B. even C. sometimes D. no 47. A. riding B. drive C. fly D. walk 48. A. had B. make C. feel D. feel like 49. A. needn't B. don't C. won't have D. mustn't 50. A. best B. good C. well D. better 四. 阅读理解。(20分)(A) Jimmy's Birthday PresentIt was Jimmy's birthday, and he was five years old. He got quite a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful drum.“Who gave him that thing?” Jimmy's father said when he saw it. “His grandfather did,” answered Jimmy's mother.“Oh,” said his father. Of course Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it, but his father didn't mind. His father was working during the day and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, so he didn’t hear the noise. But one of the neighbours didn't like the noise at all, so one morning a few days later, she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmy's house while he was hitting his drum. She said to him, “Hello, Jimmy, do you know, there is something very nice inside your drum? Here is a knife. Open the drum and let's find it.” 56. Jimmy got quite a lot of nice presents from his ________ . A. classmates B. friends C. teachers D. family51. Who gave Jimmy the drum? ________ . A. His father B. His mother C.His neighbour D. His grandfather
52. Why did Jimmy's father not stop him making a noise with the drum? Because_____.A. he wasn't at home then B. he didn't mind
C. Jimmy was in bed D. Jimmy only played in the evening53. One of the neighbours ________ .
A. liked Jimmy very much
B. enjoyed listening to the sound of the drum
C. wanted to show Jimmy a sharp knife
D. didn't like the noise at all54. What did Jimmy's neighbour really want him to do? To ______. A. cut the drum open with her knife
B. make a noise on his drum with a knife
C. show him how to hit the drum
D. find something nice in his drum(B)Mike is a factory worker. He is often very tired after a day's work. His wife, Jenny, has no job, so she stays at home to cook the meals. Every day he can have his dinner when he gets home from his factory. One day, Mike came home very late because he was very busy in the factory. He was very hungry when he got home. He was not happy when he found his dinner was not ready. He was very angry with his wife. He shouted at her, "I'm going out to eat in a restaurant." "Wait for five minutes," said his wife. "Why? Do you think that dinner will be ready in five minutes?" asked Mike. "Of course not," she answered. "But I can be ready to go with you in five minutes." 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 55. Mike works in________. A. a factory B. an office C. a school D. a hospital 56. Jenny stays at home because ________. A. she likes cooking B. she loves her husband very much C. she doesn't have a job D. she doesn't want to work 57. One day, Mike came home very late because________. A. he wanted to have dinner in a restaurant B. he had a lot of work to do C. he was angry with his wife D. his wife didn't cook dinner 58. Mike was _____ when he found his dinner was not ready. A. happy B. glad C. hungry D. not happy 59. Which sentence is correct? A. Jenny could have dinner ready in five minutes. B. Jenny wanted to go to the factory with her husband. C. Jenny didn't like the dinner at home. D. Jenny wanted to the restaurant, too. (C)This story is about a young man. He worked hard at his lessons. He was too busy. He didn’t have time to rest, so he was ill. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep(睡觉). But he couldn't. He thought: “I must go to see the doctor.” He said to the doctor. “I can't go to sleep at night.” Try counting numbers. When you reach one thousand, you'll be asleep. The next day the man came back to the doctor's office. “Well,” said the doctor, “How are you today?”
“Yes, he said,” I tried counting one, two, three. . . up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy . I had to get up and drank some tea. Then I went on counting up to one thousand. But I still couldn't fall asleep.
60. The young man couldn’t go to sleep because ________ .
A. he didn't finish his lessons B. he worked too hard and was ill
C. he was worried about his homework
D. there was a lot of housework to do and he couldn't have a good rest
61. The doctor asked the young man ________ .
A. to count numbers before he went to bed
B. to put all numbers from 1 to 1000 together
C. to count numbers while he was lying in bed
D. to go to bed earlier62. The young man came back to the doctor's office the next day because ___ . A. he wanted to thank the doctor B. he was better
C. he wanted to ask the doctor how to count the numbers
D. he still couldn't go to sleep at night
63. The young man ________ .
A. counted from 569 to 1000
B. counted from 1 to 569 and fell asleep
C. counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea
D. counted from 1 to 1000 and fell asleep
64. The young man ________ in fact.
A. didn't understand the doctor's words. B.couldn't count numbers C. didn't try to sleep D. wasn't ill at all 一复制,粘到文档里就行了