and 连接两个句子


第1个回答  2022-10-04
首先,and可以用来连接两个并列子句,前后两个句子的主语不必相同,例如: Rose likes to dance and her father likes to sing. 罗斯喜欢跳舞而她的父亲喜欢唱歌。 第二,你所举的例子与前面的问题无关。那是另一个概念。 The plane is at the airport,and it has been surrounded by police . 飞机在机场上,它已被警察包围了。 这是两个并列子句,主语都是plane,只不过第二句为避免重复,把plane改为it罢了。 The plane is at the airport,where it has been surrounded by police . 飞机在机场上,它已在机场被警察包围了。(飞机在它已被警察包围住的那个机场上。) 这是另一个讲法,是主句加上一个定语从句的结构,it has been surrounded by police 是一个定语从句,由where引导,修饰airport。   不一定啊 比如 I went to park last Saturday, and she went shopping on that day. and 是连词,连接两个句子或者两个短语的,如果是短语,有时候要求形式一致,比如 I wish I can work in a bank and make a lot of money. The plane is at the airport,___ it has been surrounded by police 这句之所以选where 是定语从句 airport是先行词   1. and可以用来连接两个并列子句,前后两个句子的主语不必相同. 2. 举例:i went to park last saturday, and she went shopping on that day. and 是连词,连接两个句子或者两个短语的,如果是短语,有时候要求形式一致,比如 i wish i can work in a bank and make a lot of money.   不是哦,用where是他引导了定从哦 主语前后可以一致也可不一致,不过前后后主语相同,后面的往往省略