

第1个回答  2013-07-01
This is the story of students at the respected "Welton Academy," a preparatory school in Vermont. Such schools were (and often still are) very conservative institutions that serve as high schools for parents who insist on sending their children to the best universities. Welton, like many prep schools, admitted only boys. The movie takes place in 1959.

The plot centers on the influence of Mr. Keating, a young and exciting English and poetry teacher, who is determined to teach his students to live life with absolute passion. Mr. Keating, using poetry as his vehicle, teaches his students to challenge the institutions around them.

Inspired by Mr. Keating's philosophy of life, many of his students recreate the "Dead Poet's Society," a secret club which meets in a cave in order to discuss poetry, philosophy and other topics. The club, which Mr. Keating had created many years earlier when he was a student at Welton, would be completely unacceptable to the conservative school, which discourages students from "thinking for themselves." Indeed, Welton students should be in their rooms, studying only the prescribed materials that their teachers assign.

This movie is about what happens when these students decide to pursue their own desires, and to live life with the passion that Mr. Keating encouraged. Ultimately, it is about what happens when a few idealistic students find themselves confronted against conservative forces that resist
all change, including the drive for personal self-determination本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  推荐于2017-07-02
There is a new English teacher ,who was a student of the Academy,( which I cannot possibly recall the name of it) (JUST A JOKE) in the XXX Academy. The Academy is famous of it's strick rule and teachers. Students there are often from rich families and eventually many of them go to reputable colleges like IVY. The teacher, (whose name is extremely trivial JOKE AGAIN), work against the strickness of the faculties and aim for the true literature education. Students really like him. Some of them, who want to follow thw path of the teacher, restart the club of DEAD POEM SOCIETY, which is forbidden by the school. One of the student went for the school opera regardless of the objection of his parents. Eventually, the boy suicide because of this argument. His parent is miserable and asked the school to find out of reason for that. The school find out the dead poem society. Of course the school is irascible after they know about the dead poem society. Many students include the teacher are asked to leave the school. When the teacher is finally leaving, all the students are chanting the poem by witman, o captain...本回答被网友采纳