

第1个回答  2013-07-07
It's true —— http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTg5MjM5MzI=.html 歌手:Lene Marlin 专辑:Lost In A Moment   I wish I could我希望我能  Sit here all alone 一直一个人坐在这  Thinking this is okay 想象这一切都是好的  Don't need anybody tonight 今晚不需要任何人  Just complete silence and the candle light 只是彻底的安静和静静的烛光  And I'd drink my coffee我喝着属于我的咖啡  Wouldn't worry at all... wouldn't worry at all什么都不用担心,什么都不用  I would feel fine我会感觉很好  Like I always do 正如我一直做的那样  I would be smiling 我会一直微笑  Laughing too 也会开怀大笑  Don't need anybody 不需要任何人  Least of all you 至少不需要你  And then I would convince myself it's true我会证明给自己看,这一切都是真实的  Stare at the wall凝视着空空的墙  And see something different everytime每一次看到的都不一样  Everytime 每一次  The candle wouldn't stop burning蜡烛会一直燃烧下去  I could lay down 我会静静的躺下  And I wouldn't be crying 而且我不会哭泣  It's true这一切都真的希望可以帮到你
第2个回答  2013-07-07