

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
One day,the rain was heavy.So I decided to take a taxi to my house.When I sit inside the car,I saw the taxi driver was learning English.I was very surprised.So I asked him,"why do you learn English now?"He said,"when I was young , I didn't study hard,and I get bad English grade . But now , I think it's very important to learn English well.So I learn English very hard now. " Through this thing, I think the English is very important not only now but in the future.So I must study English hard,hard,and hard.Only then,we may achieve the final success.呵呵、临时编的啊、语法应该没问题,就是可能有点肤浅,不过应付英语老师是没问题了,再怎么说我作文也14分了啊。。将就着用啦啊亚楠。。别嫌不好。。本回答被网友采纳