I think therefor I am! think的10种用法


第1个回答  2022-11-19

I think therefor I am. 我思故我在,你知道think相关的用法吗?一起和Engvid的讲师Gill学习think与不同介系词的用法吧!


Let me have a think.让我想一下thought I’ve just had a thought. 我突然有一个想法,美国、加拿大不使用thought,而使用think


1. What do you think of my hair? 你觉得我的发型怎么样? 2. What are you thinking about? 你怎么想? 3. I need to think this through. 我需要仔细想一下。 4. think through指透彻的思考,想到每个细节。 5. What has he thought up now? 他到底在想什么?通常在抱怨时说,有负面的意思。 6. I know we agreed to move house, but we need to think again. 我知道我们同意要搬家,但我们仍该再想想。 7. That plan has been really well thought out.那个计画真的想的很彻底。 thought out指你考虑了所有细节,任何会发生的可事都想过了 8. Let me think it over, and I’ll let you know. 让我好好想一下,我会再跟你说。 think over 指仔细思考,需要时间的思考。 9. We need to think ahead before deciding. 我们需要再决定前先想好。 think ahead指为未来想。 10. I was thinking back to my childhood. 我那时再想我的童年。 Think back 指思考过去的事。


think, think 中文, think 例句, think 单字, think 字汇, think 相关用法, 单字