

第1个回答  2022-10-07
问题一:关注微信公众号用英文怎么说 follow WeChat public number with interest
pay close attention to WeChat public number

问题二:关注微信公众号用英文怎么说 follow WeChat public number with interest pay close attention to WeChat public number

问题三:朋友圈,微信,和微信公众号用英语到底怎么说 朋友圈 Circle of friends
微信 WeChat
微信公众号 Wechat public account

问题四:微信公众号怎么英语翻译? WeChat public number

问题五:“微信公众账号”的英文怎么说 follow WeChat public number with interest
pay close attention to WeChat public number

问题六:英语大神请翻译“关注微信公众帐号” 说focus on的就是网易翻过来的,
应该是follow/subscribe the Wechat public number,w要大写。

问题七:公众的关注的英文怎么说 公众的关注
public attention; [例句]如果公众人物想通过吸引公众的关注来推进事业,他们可能会不加选择。
If public figures seek publicity to further their careers, they can't be selective about it.

问题八:微信公众号翻译成英语是 offical account of wechat? offical account of wechat

问题九:欢迎关注我的微信公众号 用英语怎么翻译,要信达雅的谢谢~ Wele to link my public webchat account.欢迎关注我的微信公众号