

第1个回答  2022-09-13
1、You are my today and all of my tomorrows   你是我的今天,以及所有的明天   2、They tell you in school that its the lungs that keep you breathing but its your heart   学校老师讲,我们要靠肺来呼吸生存但实际上,我靠的是你的心   3、Your voice is full of beautiful memories we have yet to make   你的声音里,满满的都是我们将要创造的美好回忆   4、And its as if I never really even knew love until right now, in this moment, with you   我仿佛从来不懂什么是爱,直到,此时此刻,与你在一起   5、beautiful memory of our past, detailed out in the vivid visions of our dreams, and future plans, but most of all its right now, in the moment where everything Ive ever wanted in my life is standing right in front of me and smiling   若要我给对你的爱下个定义,我会说:爱,深深刻印在我们过去每段美好回忆中,详细描绘在我们鲜活的梦想憧憬和未来计划中。但最重要的',爱,是此时此刻,是我毕生追求的一切美好,就站在我面前,绽开微笑   6、I cant, and wont ever be able to, get enough of you   我不能,也永远不会,厌倦你   7、I really dont know how many more love stories I have left in me, but I want you to be my last   我真不知道生命中还剩下多少次爱情故事。但我想要你,做我的最后一次   8、There are going to be days where youre undone, stressed out, tired, spent And Ill still love you just as much in those moments as I ever have, maybe even a little more, because itll mean you let me get close enough to know the real you.Thats all I want   当你受挫失落、憔悴不堪、倦累难耐、筋疲力竭时,我会像以往一样爱你,也许甚至会爱你更多。因为那意味着你对我敞开心门,让我接近真实的你,这就是我想要的   9、I swear I couldnt love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow   我发誓我不能比现在更爱你。但我又知道,明天还会爱你更多   10、If I could, I would wrap my arms around you and just hold you until the hurt went away   如果可以,我愿拥你入怀,紧紧抱住,直到你的伤心被融化驱散   七夕英语情话短句2    七夕暖心的英文表白句子   1、愿得一人心,白首不相离。   Catch ones heart, never be apart.   2、直到爱的味道悄然离去,我才豁然开朗,原来它,曾经来过我的心里。   Until the taste of love quietly left, I suddenly open, the original, it has come to my heart.   3、青山不及你眉长,水清不似你目澈,跨过山水几场雨,我一生只想有一个你。   The mountains are not as long as your eyebrows, the water is not as clear as your eyes, across the mountains and rivers a few rains, I just want to have one of you in my life.   4、不懂心动,只是看到你好看的眉眼,就好像看过了万水千山。   Do not understand the heart, just see your beautiful eyebrows, as if you have seen thousands of waters and mountains.   5、如果你愿意,我就喜欢你。如果你不愿意,我就单相思,你愿意吗?   If you want, I like you. If you dont want to, I will love you alone. Would you like to?   6、你是暖气团,我是冷气团,遇到你,我止不住流泪。   Youre a heater, Im a cooler. I cant stop crying when I meet you.   7、你一直很伤心的跟我说你认为你是多余的,其实吧你还真是多余的!   You have been very sad to tell me that you think you are redundant, in fact, you are really redundant!   8、美丽是幸福的,幸福是花、也是叶子。   Beauty is happiness, happiness is flowers, but also leaves.   9、是除了你,我就没人要了。只是除了你,我谁都不想要。   I dont want anybody but you. I just dont want anybody but you.   10、最美的不是夕阳,而是夕阳下同你一起走过的时光。   The most beautiful thing is not the sunset, but the time that you walk with in the sunset.