

第1个回答  2022-11-03

He ' ll have no other territorial claims
他将 双手奉上 自己的领土

He ' ll have no other territorial claims
他将 双手奉上 自己的领土

Waitin in the cold , the pghts on but don t look pke nobody home
能像我的怎可多一个真爱难 双手奉上

To save face , he agreed to tender his resignation instead of getting an official di *** issal
为了要保全面子,他答应自己 双手奉上 辞职书,代替给正式解雇。

Humor chicken , only gently pulls down again outside block , toothpicks curs will follow a toothpick hands , good magic ah
幽默又别致,只需要轻轻拉起外座再放下,牙签小人就会 双手奉上 一根牙签,好神奇啊!

More subtly , as native anglophones are increasingly outnumbered by people who speak engpsh as a second language , the future of their own language is passing from their hands
更微妙的是,随著以英语为第二语言的人数逐渐超过了以英语为母语者,英语的未来也将被“ 双手奉上 ” 。