
翻译段落:励志片很多,就情节而言,他与阿甘正传有一定相似之处,不同的是,阿甘的经历太传奇,很美国很英雄。而“Front of the class”却很平实很生活化,让人觉得他就在你身边,而他所做的所有事情,也是我们都能去做的,所以他能让我感动,让我一次次为他鼓掌。

第1个回答  2015-05-21

Translate paragraph : There are many films of inspiration, in terms of plot, Something similar exists between it and Forrest Gump, the difference between them is that the experiences of Forrest Gump is so fantastic and so American

There are a lot of inspirational films , as far as the plot is concerned , It has some similarity with Forrest Gump , the dismiliarity between them is that the experiences of Forrest Gump is filled with much legends/fantasy and American style

There are a number of films /movies of encouragement , as far as the story plot is concerned , It has some similarity with Forrest Gump , the dismiliarity between them is that the experiences of Forrest Gump is full of much legends/fantasy and American style追问


第2个回答  2015-05-21
There're a lot of inspiring movies. Concerning the story, he's kinda similar to Gump. But the difference is that Gump is too legendarily out of common, which is very american and very heroic "hollywood". But 'Front of the Class' is so normal and close to people's life. You can feel him, and you can even do what he did if you want. That's why he is so touching that I have to applaud him every time.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2015-05-21
Among all of the numerous of inspiring movies, Front of The Class has some similiarities with Forest Gump. But Forest is like a legend of American Hero, this one is more simple, more ordinary. It makes you feel like seeing a common person beside you. Everything he has done is as easy as we all can do. So this movie touches me, make me give him a big hand, again and again.