

第1个回答  2022-06-27
  随着国际化社会的逐步形成,英语国际地位确立。下面是我带来的 英语 作文 常用的简单 句子 ,欢迎阅读!

  1. At an age of character and individuality being encouraged

  and demonstrated, we see various “stars” pop up --- singing

  stars, dancing stars, and movie stars, etc.



  2. The major dilemma which most students face upon

  graduation is whether to continue pursuing postgraduate

  studies or to find a job immediately.

  继续读研究生还是立刻找工作,这是大部分学生在临近 毕业 之


  3. People are now more and more aware of the importance of



  4. Nowadays, the emergence and rise of …in China has

  caught public attention.

  当前, 中国…现象的出现已经引起了公众的关注.

  5. Nowadays, with the fast development of mass media

  networks, people are experiencing unprecedented

  convenience of handling daily matters.

  当前, 随着大众媒体的快速发展, 人们处理日常事务的

  时候, 享受着前所未有的便利.

  6.There is a commonly held belief that donating blood will do harm to a person’s health, however, it is not the real



  7. Nowadays, there are an increasing number of college

  students who are doing sales promotion.

  现在, 越来越多的大学生正在推销商品.

  8. As regards examination, there has been a heated discussion

  among the general public in our society.

  关于考试, 在公众中引起了激烈的讨论.

  9. Just as any coin has two sides , it’s no exception with the

  issue of examination.

  正如任何硬币都有两面一样, 关于考试的问题也不例外.

  10. With the rapid development of information technology,

  there is a boom in Internet-based instruction.随着信息科技

  的快速发展, 网络课程得到了迅猛发展.

  11. Although it may bring unfavorable consequences, we can

  be sure to conclude that this practice is favorable on the




  12. We can naturally arrive at the conclusion that it is

  beneficial and rewarding.


  13. The media, the school, the parents and even the youth

  themselves have to reflect on the issue and try to stop such kind of tragedy from happening again.

  媒体,学校, 父母还有年轻人自己都应该对这个问题进行 反思 ,以防止这类悲剧再次发生。

  14. Our government has taken a variety of measures to promote the use of

  environment-friendly cloth bags instead of plastic bags.

  我们政府已经采取了各种 措施 来促进环保型布袋取代塑料袋的使用。

  15. In conclusion, the act does not only bring many opportunities to

  college graduates, but also restore their confidence in themselves and the future.

  All in all, I don’t think schools should hold such “Campus Star”



  We should take measures to improve people’s sense of credit and

  establish stricter laws to punish the behavior of those who do not have credit.


  We should not take it for granted that those who score high in tests will naturally do well in practical work.


  To put an end to such a serious problem, in my mind, calls for the efforts from all sides.

  要解决这个严重的问题, 我认为需要各方面的共同努力。

  The university authority should make it clear that any cheating behavior in the examinations, from whispering and copying, receiving answers via mobile phones to asking ringers for help, will be severely punished with no exception.

  学校领导应该使大家都清楚一点,在考试中,无论是交头接耳或抄袭, 还是通过手机发送答案或者找替考者,这些作弊行为都将受到严厉的惩罚。

  We should not ask for help from others easily when we are involved in some troubling situation.


  This act aims to stimulate graduates’ creativity and alleviate the pressure of employment.


  Some graduate employees are not satisfied with the present job and their enthusiasm for work has been frustrated to some degree.


  Some people argue that it is unquestionably beneficial to the students in that it can enlarge their horizon and enrich their experience.


  Most universities offer online courses which have gained much popularity among students.


  These activities can make some students’ vanity swell and as a result, make them become arrogant, or even feel superior to other students.


  The commodities they promote cover a variety of items, such as toothbrush, shampoo, pens, notebooks, etc.

  他们推销各种各样的产品,比如牙刷,洗发水,笔以及 笔记本 等。

  Their frequent unwelcome visits in my spare time make me annoyed and my quiet life disturbed.


  They are crazy for everything that is prevailing in society, such as owning luxurious mobile phones and wearing blonde curls.


  To earn an impressive academic performance, we college students must pour determined efforts into study and pay no attention to vogue.


  Hoping that the employers might find one of them more attractive, the students are compelled to run from one exam to another.

  The students should have a more rational attitude toward certificates, because the exam certificates do not necessarily represent one’s ability. 学生们应该对证书有更理性的认识,因为这些证书并不能说明一个人的能力。

  The key lies in whether the students in focus are able to strike a successful balance between work and study.


  Reorganization will optimize the disposition of limited resources, which is the symbol of successful educational reform.

  重组有利于优化有限的资源,这是 教育 改革成功的象征。

  Many people may need to sacrifice their own interests for the whole university.


  With two degrees at hand after graduation, they will stand a better chance in the job market full of fierce competition.


  This system not only compels students to work hard, but also prepares them for the coming competition.


  The ever-increasing pressure of study at the moment and job-hunting in the future may lead to many psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and even despair.


  Such courses can teach students how to regulate feelings and emotions under different situations, which is a good preparation for the future life in the complex society.


  Such practice deprives the children of their own choices, so it is harmful to their personality development.


  The easy identification of students is important for the society---they are not allowed to enter such entertainment places as internet bars and nightclubs.


  By preparing for and taking part in remedial examinations, students can make up for the lost time.


  If they can learn from this lesson, it will certainly be beneficial for their future life.


  The experience will be invaluable to character building, making most students more independent, diligent and enterprising.


  If a person does not make full preparations before going out, he will have great difficulty adapting to the new environment.

  如果 出国 之前没有做好充分的准备,那么人们将很难适应新环境。