

第1个回答  2022-11-17
一、详细释义: , n. , 缺乏,不足,稀少 [U,C] , 例句: ,There is a scarcity of trained staff.,缺乏受过训练的人员。, 例句: ,The factory is in frequent scarcity of raw materials.,这个工厂经常原料不足。, 萧条 [U,C] , 例句: ,The contrary of this happens in a year of sudden and extraordinary scarcity.,在突然发生的非常大荒年,情形正相反。, 例句: ,That would only betoken for us seven years of plenty and seven years of scarcity.,那只是预示我们将有七年丰收和七年饥荒。, 二、词义辨析: , lack,want,absence,shortage,scarcity ,这些名词均含“缺乏,不足”之意。lack普通用词,指部分或完全的不足。want指完全或短缺某物,侧重缺少之物是必需的东西。使用范围比lack窄些。absence指某物根本不存在或完全短缺,或某人虽存在,但未到现场。shortage指不足,但侧重达不到规定的,需要的或已知应有的数量。scarcity指产量不足或缺乏某物难以应付或满足需要。, 三、参考例句: ,There is a scarcity of trained staff.,缺乏受过训练的人员。,The scarcity of fruit was caused by the drought.,水果缺乏是由干旱引起的。,The factory is in frequent scarcity of raw materials.,这个工厂经常原料不足。,This scarcity is inevitable in less developed countries.,这一匮乏在欠发达国家不可避免。,Firewood scarcity offers the most visible and dramatic example of deforestation's effects.,薪材短缺是毁林后果的最明显和最引人注目的实例。,Widespread use of the technology will automatically solve many fuel scarcity problems.,技术的广泛使用将自动解决许多燃料短缺问题。,For FIFA its differentator is scarcity, entrepreneurs need to think what makes them unique and memorable.,稀缺性是FIFA的优势,企业家也需要让自身变得独一无二和深入人心。,Costs, not physical scarcity, are the only economic test of a shortage of natural resources.,自然资源匮乏的唯一经济判断是成本,而不是实物的稀缺。,Having looked to Government for bread, on the first scarcity they will turn and bite the hand that fed them.,他们依靠 *** 给予面包,稍有不足他们就会转身咬向那只曾喂养他们的手。,The employer is keenly aware of the number of jobs currently going unfilled due to a scarcity of skilled candidates.,招聘者很清楚,由于有经验的求职者数量不足,所以职位空缺的数量依然很大。