

第1个回答  2024-08-11
1、Waste is a common sight on college campuses. Some students order more food than they can consume, while others frequently leave lights on in unoccupied classrooms, claiming they can bear the cost. However, I do not concur with their perspective. Waste can lead to numerous problems. Although China is abundant in certain resources, there is a scarcity of others, such as freshwater. It is projected that we will exhaust our coal and oil reserves within the next 100 years. Continued waste of our resources could leave us with no alternatives for the future or viable options for relocation. It is a matter worth pondering. I believe we should discourage students who squander resources daily. Everyone should make a conscious effort to stop wasteful habits immediately. In our daily lives, there are numerous ways to prevent waste, such as turning off water taps after use, switching off lights when leaving a room, and avoiding excessive food orders. By making these small changes, we can ultimately eliminate waste. If we strive diligently, waste can be curtailed one day.
2、Translation: Waste is ubiquitous on college campuses. Some students request more food than they can finish, while others frequently forget to turn off the lights when leaving the classroom. They argue that they can bear the consequences, but I disagree with their stance. Wastefulness leads to various issues. Although China has an abundance of certain resources, we face shortages in others, such as freshwater. It is reported that we will run out of coal and oil within the next century. Therefore, if we continue to waste our resources, what will we use in the future and where can we relocate? It's a point worth contemplating. I believe we should say "no" to students who waste resources daily. Everyone should cease wasteful habits as soon as possible. In our daily lives, we can adopt several measures to prevent waste, such as turning off water taps when finished washing, switching off lights when leaving a classroom, and avoiding ordering more food than needed. Bit by bit, change will occur. Waste can be halted one day if we give it our best effort.详情