

第1个回答  推荐于2016-12-02
I like travelling very much . I believe all the secrets of life lie in travel.Maybe the landscape in distance is more beautiful than where you are .Anyhow i spend all my spare time in travelling
My favorite travel destination is tibet.
Tibet is located on the qinagzang plateau which maked it wrapped in mystery.Tibet autonomous region is the biggest administratial region in china.The tibet buddist has a history of thousand years.Tens of thousands varied temples was scattered all over tibet which gives tibet a thick solemn atmosphere.The magnificent potala palace is situated on the west of lhasa city not far from which is the lhasa river. The water is emerald. The unique combination of policy and religion culture, the simple people,the blue sky all these are so attractive for me .
I am looking forward to be there everyday本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-01-15
This morning, I followed her to travel.
My sister and brother car with my brother. We laughed in the car, we are very happy, very happy.
We first came under our law cloud temple, the car, he went to the hall, the hall has lots of figure of Buddha. We are in the most beautiful place as a photograph. We played a good convention, and sit on the car. No time to green dragon pond. There, beautiful scenery, the air is fresh, particularly well. We went to the green dragon pond beside the pond, I saw a small goldfish in free to swim.
There are many beautiful scenery, hope everyone to see!
On this day we had a very happy!