

第1个回答  2022-10-13
简明扼要 [ jiǎn míng è yào ] 基本解释 指说话、写文章简单明了,能抓住要点。
要言不烦 [ yào yán bù fán ] 基本解释 要:简要;烦:烦琐。 指说话或写文章简单扼要,不烦琐。
一针见血 [ yī zhēn jiàn xiě ] 基本解释 比喻说话直截了当,切中要害。
一语破的 [ yī yǔ pò dì ] 基本解释 的:箭靶的中心。 一句话就说中要害。
鞭辟入里 [ biān pì rù lǐ ] 基本解释 鞭辟:鞭策,激励;里:最里层。形容作学问切实。也形容分析透彻,切中要害。
鞭辟入里 [ biān pì rù lǐ ] 基本解释 鞭辟:鞭策,激励;里:最里层。形容作学问切实。也形容分析透彻,切中要害。
长话短说 [ cháng huà duǎn shuō ] 基本解释 要说的话很多,一时不能说清,只用扼要的几句话表明主要意思。
微言大义 [ wēi yán dà yì ] 基本解释 微言:精当而含义深远的话;大义:本指经书的要义,后指大道理。包含在精微语言里的深刻的道理。
言简意赅 [ yán jiǎn yì gāi ] 基本解释 赅:完备。 话不多,但意思都有了。形容说话写文章简明扼要。
详细解释 1. 【解释】:赅:完备。话不多,但意思都有了。形容说话写文章简明扼要。
2. 【示例】:我们作文应该言简意赅,不要拖泥带水。
3. 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、状语、补语;含褒义
. the blog should be short and the paragraphs should be clear and concise.
The vicissitudes of life are just between a dream and a dream. There are only a few words that are concise and comprehensive.
. this is a very well written and concise document, which explains all the features provided by this version through examples.
Of or characteristic of a few words; terse or clear.
So Shakespeare said, "simplicity is the soul of wisdom." You must think carefully and know how to be concise.
. I have come up with a way to express myself in a concise and comprehensive way.
. he told us in a concise way that it was too tightly bound to jump, which was meaningless.
This short language is concise and comprehensive, which means that you are extremely busy.
This book is in the form of question and answer. It is concise and comprehensive with a slightly didactic meaning
. when we make a report, we should not be long winded, it should be concise and comprehensive.
Your boss is too wordy. He should be concise.
We should write the composition in a concise and comprehensive way, not in a muddle.
Writing should not be sloppy, it should be concise and comprehensive.
Mr. Li's article is comprehensive and concise.
. write the article in a concise and comprehensive way. Don't drag the mud and water. It's long and complicated.
This article is concise and to the point.
This article is short of words, but it is concise and comprehensive. It expresses all the contents that should be expressed.
. Jobs's reply was brief and comprehensive, "brother, it's no big deal to change the name of your app.
There are reasons, reasons and briefness in the synonyms of saying things.
Mr. Zheng's speech is always brief and comprehensive. He never talks about anything.
It is a profound and concise summary of the essential elements of being a good woman and a good man!
The introduction of this report is concise and comprehensive.
Although this conclusion is concise and comprehensive, it seems that the judgment is wrong.
This article is clear and concise.
Effective communication is not just about speaking, it should be concise and comprehensive, that is, to express the meaning clearly with the least words.
. if necessary, it's best to be quiet or concise.