

第1个回答  2013-09-19

The views of major cities
As China's rapid economic development and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the quality of life more and get people's attention, the city traffic, housing has become increasingly serious
In contrast, no major cities in the rural life of the hustle and bustle of people's lives more comfortable, the environment or
So I like the rural life
第2个回答  2013-09-19
my opinion about unban life
in my oponion,life in the city is engaged in working or study.almost everyone needs to hurry to the office or school.it seems that people in the city have little time to have a rest even though in the weekends most of the people have to do something they wouldn't like to do.rather,life in the countryside tends to be better ,although the standard of living of the countryside is lower than that of the city.because living in the city is more stressful, which is not beneficial to people's health.while in contrast,people will have enough time to rest and to do everything they like.therefore, i prefer living in the countryside
第3个回答  2013-09-19
Many people prefer to live in the big cities.The life in big cities seems to be really intresting.But in my mind,life in big cities is more press than joy.
Everyday,people have to drive through the heavy traffic ,then heading in work.Busy work always make people tired.What`s more,after work,they still have many things to do.Such as join commercial parties,have business get-togethers and so on.
While life in the country is far more different.People work and break as the sunrise and sunset.After wwork,they can do what they want.The air is also fresher in the country than the big cities,which is good to health.
I do not like the life in the big cities but country.Country life makes me feel comfortable and relaxed.In the modern society,such kind of natrual is nearly fading away.本回答被网友采纳