谁知道电影《金刚》里面 女主角“安”在跳舞表演时那首歌曲的名字

看的是 国语版,把金刚抓回去城市后,金刚和安见面之前,安在作跳舞表演时候那首歌的名字,叫什么,??

第1个回答  推荐于2016-12-02
这首歌就叫beybey black bird 至于是谁唱的 我到现在都不知道 以下是下载地址和歌词 这是首好歌 绝对不同于现在流行的烂俗的口水歌


Pack up all my care and woe
Here i go, singing low
Bye bye blackbird
Where somebody waits for me
Sugar's sweet, so is she
Bye bye blackbird
No one here can love or understand me
Oh what hard luck stories they all hand me
Make my bed and light the light
I'll arrive late tonight
Blackbird, bye bye
Bye bye blackbird
Bye bye blackbird
No one here can love or understand me
Oh, oh what hard luck stories they all hand me
Make my bed and light the light
I'll arrive late tonight
Blackbird, blackbird , blackbird bye bye

Goodbye, blackbird
I'm gonna miss ya
I'm gonna miss ya, blackbird
Ya hear dat?
I'm gonna follow you soon
Wherever you go, why i'll follow you
There's someone waiting out there for me, where you're leading
I can see you flappin' your wings now
You're calling me
I hear you calling me
I hear ya! i hear ya!
I'm coming! i'm coming!
I'm almost here
She's there waiting for me
Oh, how wonderful she looks
Oh how marvelous, blackbird
Here! here!
Flap your wings, flap 'em! flap 'em! whistle to me本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2019-10-03
Peggy Lee 的 Bye Bye Blackbird