spend time.to do sth和spend time doing sth有什么区别啊?


第1个回答  2022-11-12

“spend... to do something”句型与常规的“spend... (in) doing something”句型在语法结构和表意方面是有区别的:

1)“spend...to do something” 结构中,to do something应视为目的状语,相当于in order to do something。强调花时间/金钱/精力做这件事的目的。
spend time to do sth = spend time( in doing A in order ) to do B 为了做成B而花时间去做A

例如:They spend a lot of time and money to change these old buildings into homes.

2)在“spend... (in)doing something”结构中,doing something要理解为spend的宾语补足语或方位状语。除了表示目的用to do, 一般都是加doing的用法,强调花时间/金钱/精力在什么事情上。

例如:We spent a lot of energy playing tennis. 我们打网球耗去了大量的体能。