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陈老师是我的英语老师,教学方案有点严厉,但这使我从看不懂英语,到很喜欢英语,且英语成绩也不错。但有些同学觉得老师的这种方案很累,很不喜欢这样。就不断的骂英语老师叫“English dog”。我知道陈老师这样是对我们好的,她也希望我们三年以后考上一个好的高中。所以我希望大家不要在说陈老师的坏话了。我永远认为陈老师是我一生中最好的老师。谢谢大家!


请把以上所有文字翻译成英语。 快快快,最好在明天晚上九点钟之前出来,谢谢。(注:只要没有错误,我就采纳,并且要翻译得到位,如果翻译得非常好,还会多给点分哦!)

My English teacher
Chen teacher is my English teacher, teaching programs a bit harsh, but so that I can not read English, to love English, and English grades are good.

But some students feel that teachers tired of this program, did not like it.

The curse of English teachers have continued to call "English dog". I know this is a Chen us a good teacher, she also hope that we admitted a good three years after high school.

So I hope we do not speak ill of the teacher, said Chen. I always think that Professor Chen is the best teacher in my life. Thank you!

My question is: how Ms. Chen is a teacher?

He is a very good teacher.
第1个回答  2010-06-12
My English teacher
Chen teacher is my English teacher, teaching programs a bit harsh, but so I can not read English, to love English, and English grades are good. But some students feel that teachers tired of this program, did not like it. Constantly criticize the English teacher told the "English dog". I know this is a Chen us a good teacher, she also hope that we admitted a good three years after high school. So I hope you do not speak ill of the teacher, said Chen. I always think that Professor Chen is the best teacher in my life. Thank you!
My question is: Professor Chen is a kind of teachers?

Is a very good good teacher.
第2个回答  2010-06-12
Miss/Mr Chen is my English teacher. She/He is very strict in her/his teaching, which makes English very hard for me to understand, yet very interesting to me at the same time. And my English is also quite acceptable. However, some of my classmates feel it very tiring to learn English with Miss/Mr Chen, so they don't like his teaching method and they are always calling her/him an "Englis dog". Honestly, I know that by doing so Miss/Mr Chen means well by us, hoping that we could be admitted to a good senior high school three years from now. That's why I hope that my classmates will not speak ill of Miss/Mr Chen from now on. I will forever believe that Miss/Mr Chen is the best teacher that I have ever met. Thanks.
My question is: What type of teacher is Miss/Mr Chen?
The answer: She/He is a very good teacher.