

第1个回答  2022-07-03


  A. 写出下列形容词的比较级。

  tall——( ) heavy——( ) fast——( )

  long——( ) small——( ) strong——( )

  slow——( ) young——( )

  B. 写出下列动词的过去式。

  is——( ) go——( ) see——( )

  are——( ) read——( ) do——( )

  wash——( )


  ( )1. —Did you clean the living room?

  —Yes. I__________

  A. did. B. do. C. does.

  ( )2. —What did Lisa do yesterday?

  —She __________ to music.

  A. listens B. listen C. listened

  ( )3. —What did you do last night?

  —I __________ TV.

  A. saw B. Look at C. watched

  ( )4. She __________ yesterday.

  A. Went fish B. Went fishing C. goes fishing

  ( )5. What __________ you do last Monday.

  A. do B. did C. does

  ( )6. Before. I __________ quiet. Now I’m very active in class.

  A. is B. was C. am

  ( )7. — __________did you go there?

  —I went there by bike.

  A. How B. What C. Where

  ( )8. —Did Tom like playing ping-pang?

  —No he __________

  A. does. B. did. C. didn’t

  ( )9. I __________ a horse yesterday.

  A. rode B. ride C. rides

  ( )10. John __________ camping last weekend.

  A. go B. goes C. went


  1. heavy、are、how、you


  2. you、do、what、did


  3. size、what、your、are、shoes


  4. did、go、you、where


  5. happned、what




  ( )1. What did he do the day before yesterday?

  ( )2. Did she wash the clothes last night?

  ( )3. What did you do last weekend?

  ( )4. Did you go to the museum?

  ( )5. What was the weather yesterday?


  A. Yes she did.

  B. I went fishing.

  C. No. I didn’t.

  D. He read a book.

  E. It was raing.

  VIII. Read and choose. (读一读,选一选。)

  ( ) 1. You can go at the ______.

  A. yellow light B. green light C. red light

  ( ) 2. —How do I go to your home?

  —You can go there ______. It's not far.

  A. by car B. on foot C. by plane

  ( ) 3. I’m going to see a film. So I’m going to the ______.

  A. bus stop B. cinema C. hospital

  ( ) 4. I’m hungry. I’m going to a ______.

  A. bookstore B. museum C. restaurant

  ( ) 5. I’m going to buy a post card. So I’m going to the ______.

  A. post office B. supermarket C. cinema

  ( ) 6. —______are you going?

  —We’re going tonight.

  A. When B. Where C. What

  ( ) 7. My home is far from school. So I ______ go to school by bus.

  A. ususally B. sometimes C. never (从不)

  ( ) 8. — ______are your family going to do on Mid-Autumn Festival?

  — We’re going to get together and eat mooncakes.

  A. Who B. How C. What

  IX.Read and write.(选择合适的单词补全对话。)

  X.Read and answer the questions.(读对话, 回答问题。)

  Sarah: What are you going to do next week, Jack?

  Jack: I’m going to visit my cousin, John.

  Sarah: That’s nice. Where are you going?

  Jack: We’re going to the cinema. We’re going to see a film about space travel.

  Sarah: Sounds great! I have lots of comic books about space.

  Jack: Cool! What are you going to do next week?

  Sarah: I’m going to take a trip with my grandparents. We’re going to Hainan by plane. Bye.

  Jack: Bye. Have a good time!

  1. What is Jack going to do next week?

  He ___________________________________________________________

  2. Where is Jack going with his cousin, John?

  He __________________________________________________________

  3. What is Sarah going to do next week?

  She __________________________________________________________

  4. Who is Sarah going to take a trip with?

  She ___________________________________________________________

  5. Is Sarah going to Hainan by plane?

1. 小学英语句子练习题精选

2. 六年级毕业班英语测试卷及答案

3. 六年级英语升学模拟试卷及答案

4. 六年级英语升学考试模拟试卷及答案

5. 六年级英语升学考试复习练习题及答案

6. 新版PEP六年级英语上册第一单元测试卷