

第1个回答  2022-10-04
Unit 1 Where's your pen pal from? Dear Gina, I want to be you new pen pal. I'm from Chengdu, China.I'm a thirteen-year-old girl, and I study in a middle school. I can speak Chinese and a little English. Can you be my new pen pal? We can be very friendly friends! Please write to me soon! Yours, Xiao Ming Unit 2 Where's the post office? Dear Mary, I know you are arriving next Sunday. Let me tell you the way to my house. From the Red Apple School, go straight ,when you see a big new hotel, turn left. and when you pass a new park on your right, my house is on your left. Have a good trip! Yours, Jane Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? My favorite animal is a panda. Her name is Ling Ling . I like her very much beacuse she is very cute. She is five years old. She is from China. She likes to eat bamboo. She is white and black. I think she is very beautiful, but she is also very shy, so please be very quiet. Unit 4 I want to be an actor. Hi! Everyone! I'm Peter. Let me tell you what my father, mother and me want to be. My father is a waiter, but he doesn't like his job. He wants to be an actor. He thinks be an actor is very funny things. My mother wants to be a nurse, and she is a nurse now, so she is very happy every day. What about me? I want to be a reporter, because I can meet many interesting people every day. Unit 5 I'm watching TV. Today is Saturday. My whole family is at home, but they are really busy. My father is watching TV, my mother is talking to my grandmother, my sister is eating, my grandfather is reading newspaper. What am I doing? I'm playing puter games! Unit 6 It's rainning! There are so many people here. There is a big new park, but it's a cold day, everyone is wears scarfs and coats. After 15 minutes, it's snowing. Everyone is very surperised. Some children are catch the snow. They are having a good time! 1你的笔友来自哪里? 亲爱的吉娜, 我想成为你的笔友,我来自成都,中国。我是一个13岁的女孩,和我在一所中学学习。我会说汉语和一点英语。你能成为我的笔友吗?我们可以非常友好的朋友!请尽快给我回信! 你的, 肖明 2单元邮局在哪里? 亲爱的玛丽, 我知道你下星期日到达。让我告诉你去我家的路。从红苹果学校,直走,当你看到一个新的大酒店,左转。当你通过一个新的公园就在你的右边,我的家就在你的左边。祝您旅途愉快。 你的, 简 3你为什么喜欢树袋熊? 我最喜欢的动物是熊猫。她的名字叫玲玲。我很喜欢她,因为她很可爱。她五岁了.她来自中国。她喜欢吃竹子。她是黑色和白色。我觉得她很漂亮,但她也很害羞,所以请安静。 单元4我想成为一名演员。 你好。每个人!我是彼得。让我告诉你我的爸爸,妈妈和我想成为。我的父亲是一个服务员,但他不喜欢他的工作。他想成为一名演员。他想成为一个演员是很滑稽的事情。我的妈妈想成为一个护士,她是一个护士,所以她很快乐每一天。我呢?我想成为一名记者,因为我能见到许多有趣的人,每一天。 单元5我看电视。 今天是星期六。我全家都在家,但是他们真的很忙。我的父亲正在看电视,我妈妈正在和我的祖母,我妹妹在吃,我的祖父读报纸。我是干什么的?我正在玩电脑游戏! 单元6下雨! 这里人很多。有一个新的大公园,但它是一个寒冷的日子,大家都戴围巾和外套。15分钟后,它的雪。每个人都很很惊讶。一些孩子抓雪。他们有一个很好的时间!   Wele,Frank. When you get off the plane,you'd better take a taxi.Go past the library,and get to Green Street.Go across the street,and you will see a bank,then turn left,you can see a supermarket,the post office is opposite to the supermarket,my house is at the back of the post office. Good luck !
