
用一般过去式 用以下短语~我们出去野餐go picniking climb the hill 我们要去集合gether 会和meet eath other 天下雨it begins raining 骑自行车by ride bike 上山顶 foot/top of the mountain 下山go down 美景 beautiful view/pictare

第1个回答  2019-08-26
I remember that and a few friends out for a picnic.To say that a good start at school and back.We have a Daoqi.Riding a bike on the top of the hill.We have seen a very scenery.It can be said that there is a " List of small mountains,"the feeling that we play.Eat.All of a sudden.Rain.And then we hurried down the run.Slippery because of rain did not ride.We have said that tomorrow is still a good school and get together Bike.Again unless they view the beautiful scenery.