
Inside Job was a documentary film opened on 2008, a critical period of global crisis exploded from the dilemma of bubble credit in several sectors like real state, stock. The documentary conducted face to face interviews with well known Economist, Politicians, and people evolved in main parts of financial business. It also disclosed a sequence of objective data to illustrate the essential root of the cause of crises. As the main topic of movie, five parts have been indicated to narrate the truth happening during this economic catastrophe logically. There were. How to got here, The Bubble, The crises, Accountability and Where We are now. The starting points was detected from 1970, the first oil shock and earlier financial disaster up to 2008. The entire picture gives us a clear skeleton of complicated financial structure especially US. Virtually, it implies the domino effect generated by political system, bachelors, and all society in the whole financial system. Therefore, the documentary is called Inside Job which exposures all inside works in this deep and intricate economic circle.

第1个回答  2016-10-07
里面的工作是一部纪录片 2008 年开设,全球危机的关键时期爆炸从泡沫时代的信贷,在几个部门的困境喜欢真实状态,股票。纪录片进行面对面访谈与著名经济学家、 政治家和人民演变中的金融业务的主要部分。它还公开了一系列的客观数据来说明造成经济危机的原因的根源所在。作为电影的主题,就已五个部分来叙述逻辑上发生这场经济灾难的真相。曾经有。如何到这儿,泡沫,危机,问责制和在那里我们是现在。从 1970 年的第一次石油冲击和直至 2008 年早些时候金融灾难检测到起始点。整个图片给出了清晰的脉络的复杂金融结构特别是我们的我们。实际上,这意味着在整个金融体系产生的政治系统,学士学位和所有社会的多米诺骨牌效应。因此,这部纪录片叫做监守自盗所有里面的暴露在这深且错综复杂的经济圈工作。
在线翻译推荐Google,感觉 Google 将其它语言翻译成英文的效果比中文好得多,更容易理解、读起来不太累。
第2个回答  2016-10-07


