

第1个回答  推荐于2017-12-16
A: I heard that ben is forming his own band. B: it will be a rock and roll band probably. He’s a very good guitarist. A: can you play a musical instrument? If you can , he might ask you to join the band. B: I can play drums, but I haven’t played for a while. I’m not sure I’d be good enough to play in a band. A; I wish I could play a musical instrument. I love music. B; nowadays, you can be a DJ. You can mix dance music. You don’t take a lot of practise. A: you know, you could probably get a computer program that would help you. You already have a computer, so you could use that to help you mix some music. A: that’s a great idea. I’ll search for some information on the internet. If it’s possible to do, the internet will have some information about it.答:我听说本正在形成自己的乐队. 乙:这将是一个摇滚乐队演出可能.他是一个很好的吉他手. 答:你能演奏乐器?如果可以的话,他可能会要求您加入乐队. 乙:我可以打鼓,但我没有一段时间的作用.我不知道我是有足够的实力在一个乐队. 阿,我希望我能演奏乐器.我爱音乐. 乙,现在,你可以一个DJ.你可以混合舞曲.你不采取大量的练习. 答:你知道,你或许可以得到一种计算机程序,会帮助你.您已经有一台电脑,所以你可以用它来帮助你把一些音乐. 答:这是一个好主意.我会寻找一些信息在互联网上.如果有可能的事,互联网将有一些有关它的信息.本回答被网友采纳