

第1个回答  2024-07-02
1. Despite being 17 years old, my height growth has not yet come to a complete stop. There are two primary periods of height growth in a person's life: during infancy and the teenage years. Typically, the teenage years are a critical period for height growth, which can continue until the age of 23 to 25.
2. The fact that I have not grown in height over the past two years could be due to a slowing down or a temporary halt in my growth rate. During the teenage years, there can be fluctuations in the rate of growth, with periods of faster growth followed by slower or even stagnant periods, after which there might be another surge of growth.
3. To promote height growth, I need to pay attention to my nutritional intake. Ensuring a balanced diet, especially with adequate intake of animal-based proteins, can help improve the bioavailability of dietary proteins and facilitate the body's absorption of zinc, iron, and B vitamins. Drinking a glass of milk each night can not only help with sleep but also contribute to overall health.
4. I should persist in regular physical exercise, combining both aerobic and strength training. Moderate physical activity can stimulate the release of growth hormones and aid in the healthy development of bones. Activities such as pull-ups, playing basketball, volleyball, and jumping rope can all contribute to height growth.
5. Sufficient sleep is crucial for height growth. Avoiding excessive fatigue and ensuring good quality sleep each night is essential. Sleep is when the body secretes more growth hormone, aiding in recovery and growth.