

第1个回答  2022-10-27

缩写是在保留原文体载、题材、主要内容、结构顺序,人称内容、压缩篇幅使之成为一篇内容简明、语言简练、中心突出的 。我们要对原文内容高度概括,而不是对原文内容的随意改写。
可添加自己的主观看法、发表自己的 议论。如果上一原则不可陡 识别当前图片则是不可随意减。缩写时一定要准确完整地把握原文,主干枝、
缩写要注意语言。首先,要在准确理解原文的基础上,对原文要点用自己的话进行改写(paraphrase),不要在原文中生硬摘取连缀成句。如一篇原文中有这样的描写:We moved out of the city slowly behind a long line of cars, but at last we came to a quiet country road and after some time, stopped at the lonely farm这么长的句子说明了一个事实:路上出游的车很多,得过很久才能找到一个安静的地方。我们可用自己的话表达原句:There were a lot of cars on the road so it took us a long time to find a quiet place.或 We spent so much time finding a quiet place, for there were so many cars on the road.其次,缩写语言要简练。我们可以将多个简单句变成一个紧凑的复合句。如:Newton thought about so many problems that he was often absentminded. he frequently forgot to have his meals.一句可以紧缩为Newton was so absentminded that he often forgot to have his meals.使语言简练的另一手段是将小句(clause)变成短语。如:When the child saw his mother, he cried loudly.可变为 Seeing his mother, the child cried loudly.再如,As far as the weather is concerned.可简化成as for the weather等等。