新概念英语第二册前48课短语总结 请不要糊弄,急用,十分感谢


第1个回答  2013-08-13
 1.in private \ in public

2. take one's seat


4.ring sb=give sb a ring

5.get\go\come\look out of

6.by bus=in\on a bus

7.send sb sth=send sth to sb

Give\ take\ pass\read\ sell

8.buy sb sth=buy sth for sb

9.lend sb sth=lend sth to sb

Borrow sb sth=borrow sth from sb

10.make a big\great decision

Decide to do sth

Make up one's mind to do sth

Be determined to do sth

Determine to do sth

11.think about\of

12.no=not a [an]\not any

13.start\begain to do=start\begain doing

14. Request\ask sb to do sth

15.one….the other…


16.who\what\where else

nothing\something else

17.a great many=a great number of

18.in this way;in a friendly way

By a way\on the way to

In a way\in the way

19.have been to \ have gone to

Have been in+place

20.from…to..\fly to..

21.up to now=up till now

22call sb=call up sb

Call back sb\call at\call on sb

Call out=shout

23.ask sb for sth\ask for sth

24.tell sb about sth\tell sb sth

25.knock at \ knock off

26.enter for…\take part in…

27.to one's surprise\be surprised to...

28.be full of \be filled with

29.allow so to do sth

Sb be allowed to do sth

30.be made in\of\from\into

31.at that moment=just then

At the moment=now\right now

32.at once=immediately=right away

33.pay …for…\pay for…

34.set out=set off

35.say hello\sorry\goodbye to sb

36.most of us\them\you

Most of the young people=most young people

37.be about to do sth

38.answer the e-mail=reply to the e-mail

39.go on a holiday\a trip

40.look up\look down\Look down upon ab

41.in a low\loud\ weak\strong voice

42.remind sb to do sth \remind sb of sth

43.remember to do sth\remember doing sth

44.be worried about=worry about=be anxious about

45.in a hurry\hurry up\hurry to

46.might\may as well+v原形

Had better +v原形

47.catch a cold\catch a bus\catch up with

48.It's a waste of time\money\water\food.

49.realize one's dream=one's dream comes true

50.That goes without saying.

51.give up doing sth=stop doing sth

52.be keen on\be fond of\be interested in

Enjoy\love doing sth

53.be crazy\mad about…go mad\crazy\bananas

Drive sb crazy\mad

54.plent of \a large sum of=a large amount of

55.come into use

56.sb be given\sent sth=sth be given\sent to sb

57.dream about\of…

58.each other\one another

59.get a surprise\shock\fright\raise\promotion

60.go to sleep\fall asleep\be asleep

61.put up\set up

62.next to=beside\at the door\window


64.put out\put off\put down\put on\put away

\put up with

65.be in trouble\ask for trouble

Have trouble in doing sth

Have trouble with sb

66.have no effect on…

67.believe sb\believe in...

68.because\because of…

69.be able to do sth

70.cut one's hair=have a haircut

71.cut down\cut off\cut…into…\cut across

72.in sight\out of sight\

Long sighted\short sighted\sight-seeing

73.as usual\than usual


75.hear\see sb do sth\doing sth

76.save one's life\save money\save one's face

77.be used to doing sth\used to do sth

78.n+of one's own=one's own+n

79.want to do sth\want sb to do sth

80.enter=go\come in

return=go\come back

81.resisit the temptation to do\be tempted to do

82.wrap up sth=pack up sth

83.be arrested=be under arrest

84.as…as…\not so…as…\not as…as…

85.go to hospital\be in hospital

86.happen to sb\occur to sb

87.be caught in a rain\traffic jam

88.leave for…\set out for…

89.not any longer\more

90.ask\tell\expect\want\allow sb to do sth

91.after a while\shortly afterwards

92.regret doing sth

93.plan to \mean to \be about to

94.be sure to do\be sure of sth\be sure that

95.by the end of this year\at the end of next year

96.look forward to+n\doing

97.look out\look up\look at\look for\look after

98.settle down\let sb down\upside down

99.no sooner …than…

as soon as….

on v+ing…


101.look\act as if\though +sentence

102.even though=even if

103.the next day=the following day

the other day

104.fix one's eyes on…one's eyes be fixed on…

105.make progress\make a speech\

make the same mistake\make the bed

106.do business\do sb a favor\do one's best

107.be good\kind\rude\polite\friendly to sb

108.continue to do\doing=go on to\doing

continue\go on +sth

109.be different from…

the difference between….and…

110.have a talk\look\rest\bath\swim\try

111.pick up\pick out

112.be in order\in order to+V

113.tell a lie\tell a white lie\lie to sb

114.be out of one's breath\hold on'e breath

waste one's breath

115.go through…\see through…\look through…

116.need doing \want doing

need to be done\

117.steal sth from sb\rob sb of sth

118.admit sth\doing deny sth\doing

119.be astonished\surprised at sth

120.be thirsty for sth

121.a piece of furniture\a set of furniture

122.be on sale\be for sale\a big sale

123.give away\put away

124.in one's opinion

125.meanwhile=at the same time

126.be busy doing sth\be busy with sth