
The world is pretty complicated today 51 what is was forty years 52 And it's getting more so all the time .We haveto 53 more and more specially 54 people. We need them to solve the toughproblems of science.We need them to find new ways to 55 disease ,to design the machines of industryand the 56 gadgets of the home. And we need them more andmore for the ordinary things of everyday life.
It 57 special training to be a good carpenter,orplumber,or car mechanic.Jobs in electronics 58 even greater skills.We 59 a radio repairman had to have a pretty 60 kind of training .But it's even tougher to bea television repairman.
Some of you are 61 thinking , “That’s all right 62 technical people”.But suppose I want to be anartist, a druggist, or a nurse.Suppose I want to go in business for myself.what good will math 63 me? All right , let’s see.
Many artists today are in 64 is called applied art. They use their 65 in advertising, interior decoration ,somesimilar job .But people in 66 who hire the artists for that kind of work saythat simple artistic ability is not enough. 67 lots of young people who have that .But not 68 ofthem know anything about physics,or mechanical thing ,or math.
69 a druggist you have to study chemistry.Youcan’t learn chemistry 70 knowingsomething about algebra.

第1个回答  2013-11-15
51A 52B 53D 54D 55D 56C 57B 58A 59B 60A 61B 62C 63D 64D 65B 66B 67C 68D 69B 70C

比方说51,答案不是C和D,是因为前面没有as。要用compared to/with前面必须要有as。那答案就是A或者B。答案是A的原因是因为comparing with是比较相似的事物之间的不同,而comparing to是比较不同的事物之间相似之处。这些都是语法规则,只能靠语感和自己背。
