求助啊) 哪位高手可以帮我写一篇英文作文啊? 题目是 ; i'm so happy when i'm turning to 21...

老师突然要我们写作文 , 但是我又不知道怎么写起 请大家帮帮忙

第1个回答  2010-08-29
I am so happy when I am turning to 21. Why should I be happy? Well, there are many reasons. First of which, is that I will be graduating University next year. That means I can finally start to look for jobs. Even though the market is kind of full at the moment, but I believe I can impress my employers and get a job I want.

I am happy also because at 21, I can finally drink now. My family all have some drinking history. I don't have to get drunk, but wine and beer is always a major beverage during dinners at my home. Before I can't drink at all, or I have to drink secretly, but now I can finally say cheers with my parents and siblings.

The next age that I am looking for is the immediate next year, when I turn to 22. I will make a serious decision then: whether to stay at university and continue on for bachelors, or leave university and go into the market and look for a job? I am very excited.